The truth

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You were sitting on the kitchen counter while Alice made popcorn. It was Friday night and your mom was at your aunts house for the weekend, so you and Alice were having a sleepover. "Do you want something to drink?" Alice asked, getting a drink from your fridge.

"No thanks" you replied. She nodded in response and took a sip of the water that she grabbed. You were about to say something but you were cut off by your phone ringing. "Who is it?" She asked. You looked at the contact 'Gerard' you paused for a second, blush rising to your cheeks.

"It's Gerard." She smirked. You answered the phone. "Hey Gerard its kinda late, What are you doing up?" You looked over the the clock on the oven '2:14 am' "I could ask you the same." You could hear the smile in his voice. You giggled. "So why'd you call me?" You looked at Alice. She was Making a kissy face. You rolled your eyes.

"I uh.... Y'know what, uh. N-never mind, sorry." He stuttered. "Oh, alright." There was a moment of silence. "Hey, are you okay?" You asked. Concerned. "Y-yeah, I...have to go. G-goodnight." And with that he hung up. That was kind of odd but you shrugged it off.

You put your phone down and looked back at Alice. She was smirking at you. "What" she grabbed your hands and dragged you off the counter. You gave her a questioning look. "You like him!" She said, still holding your hands. You felt your cheeks grow hot again. "I-" she stared at you patiently, waiting for a response.

You spoke, "I mean we did get along quickly. And he is always nice to me. He's good at drawing too." You began to smile. "And his taste in music is amazing. And don't get me started on how attractive he is, and- OH MY GOD." You cut yourself off.

"I LIKE GERARD" "I KNEW IT!" She squealed loudly. "Shhh!" " What? No one's home, so no one's gonna hear." She said. "These aren't soundproof walls, the neighbors might hear" the microwave beeped. "Why would the neighbors care?" She chuckled, but then realization hit her. "OH" she took the popcorn out of the microwave and dumped it into a bowl.

She grabbed the bowl and smirked at you once again. "Let's watch a movie." She went to the living room and plopped herself onto the couch. You followed, sitting next to her. You shared the popcorn and watched a movie. Within minutes, Alice was dead asleep, stretched out on the couch.

You grabbed the empty bowl off of the couch and put it in the sink and rinsed it off. You went back to the living room and covered Alice with a blanket. You turned off the tv and headed up stairs to your room. You laid in your bed and shut your eyes.

Knock, Knock

'Huh-' you got out of bed and headed back downstairs. You looked at the time. '3:15 am' you opened the front door and rubbed your eyes. "Hello-?" It was Gerard.  "Hey." He looked from his feet to you. "Oh hey Gerard, come inside." You led him to the kitchen. "Sorry if I woke you up." He gave you a nervous smile.

"It's Alright." You returned the gesture. "So what are you doing here this late?" You asked. He stared at you for a moment before responding. "Oh, Mikey left his bag here and wouldn't stop complaining." You giggled "okay, lets go get it" you grabbed Gerard's wrist and lead him up to your room.

You sat on your bed as Gerard grabbed the bag. He then took a seat at the end of your bed. You sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, before you patted the empty space next to you. Gerard quickly took off his shoes and laid next to you, with his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling.

"Y'know," he turned to look at you. "I heard that the smashing pumpkins are gonna come here for their latest tour." He paused for a second. "And I was going to ask if you, Alice, and the guys would want to go." He finished.

Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. "OH MY GOD- YES I'LL GO!" You said loudly. Gerard smiled at your excitement. "Shh! You're gonna wake up Alice!" He shushed you. You turned your body to face him, and he did the same. You stared at each other for a second, still smiling.

Gerard opened his mouth, about to say something, but was cut off by his phone ringing. "Shit-" he answered the phone, "hey Mikey, yeah sorry. I have your bag. Alright. I'll be there in a few. Okay bye." He put his phone down and sat up. "I have to go, Mikey is still bugging me about his bag." He chuckled. "Oh okay" He put his shoes back on and walked away, but he stopped at your doorway.

He turned around. "Get some sleep y/n" you giggled at him. "Goodnight Gerard." He smiled and walked out. You heard the front door open then close. Once you knew he was gone you got up and walked downstairs to check on Alice. But when you got there she wasn't on the couch? Confused you walked back to your room and found Alice sitting on your bed.

"Fuck!" You jumped. "You scared me" you sighed. "Y/n." She said lowly. "Alice?" You responded. "GERARD WAS HERE AND YOU WERE CUDDLING IN BED!" She smiled widely. "How long have you been awake for-? And we weren't cuddling!" She smirked. "I've been up ever since he walked inside." She explained.

"I heard everything and I would LOVE to go to a smashing pumpkins concert!" She said. "Oh yeah, Gerard totally likes you." You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. "Let's go to sleep" you said, changing the subject. She nodded a d walked downstairs. You both laid on the opposite sides of the couch and fell asleep.

I just realized that I never said/shown what Alice looks like 🧍

This is what I imagine her to look like (I found this pic on google don't kill me)

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This is what I imagine her to look like (I found this pic on google don't kill me)

Word count- 1,048

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