Spray Paint

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It was Saturday night, and you were sitting on your bed scrolling through your phone. It was around 12:25 am, so you were getting sort of tired. Not wanting to be angry in the morning, you decided to go to bed. You put your phone on the small table next to your bed and got under the covers. Soon, you began drifting off to sleep.

Tap Tap Tap

You slowly opened your eyes to the sound of something being thrown at your window. You groaned and turned on a lamp near your bed. You looked at your phone to check the time '2:12 am' You got up and opened the window. you poked your head out to see Frank and Gerard standing below.

"What the hell?!" You whisper-yelled "Calm down we just wanted to hangout." Frank smiled. "At 2 am?!" He just smiled up at you. "Just get dressed, we'll be waiting out front." He said before walking to the front of your house. You looked at Gerard who gave you a nervous smile before following Frank.

You shut your window and put on Jeans, with a nirvana shirt. You quickly slipped on your converses and brushed your hair. Right before you walked out of your bedroom, you remembered what time it was and assumed that it was pretty cold, so you grabbed the hoodie Gerard gave you and quietly stepped down the stairs.

Not wanting to wake your mom, you slowly opened the front door, and stepped outside, but only Gerard was there, "Where did Frank go?" You asked him. "Oh he's in the car with the others." He said motioning to a car across the street. "Okay, lets go" You smiled, walking to the car with Gerard following behind.

We got in who you assumed was Ray's car because he was driving. Mikey was in the passengers seat. While you, Gerard, Frank and Alice were practically on top of each other in the back seat, because there was only room for three people in the back. "So,, where are we going?" You asked, squished against the window with Gerard to your left.

"You'll see" Frank smirked. Mikey then took out a CD from his bag and put it in the car, before you knew it, they were blasting music. It was loud, but you could still hear each other. You were zoning out, looking out the window. You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts when you felt Gerard tap your shoulder.

You turned your head to look at him. "It looks good on you" He said, you gave him a questioning look, "My hoodie" He added "Really?" You blushed and looked back out the window. He hummed in response. He shifted his body so he could see what you were looking at. Your face became even more hot when you realized how close you were.

Your back was against his chest. "What are you looking at?" He asked, you could feel his breath on the back of your neck. Your face got even more red. "I-" "WE'RE HERE" Frank loudly interrupted you. Gerard quickly moved back and you walked out of the car.

You looked around, you were at an abandoned train station. "Follow me" frank said, walking down the train tracks, with everyone following suit. After a few minutes of walking, you were now standing in front of 3 broken train cars.

One farther away from the others. Mikey grabbed something out of his bag, then threw the bag towards Frank. He excitedly opened it grabbing, a can of spray paint. You then realized what you were doing here at this time. Frank then tossed it to ray, who also grabbed a can, giving the bag to Gerard who was next to you.

After grabbing some spray paint he held the bag open for you. You grabbed two cans. He looked down at you confused. You just took the bag and gave it back to Mikey who put it on his back. You then walked over to Alice and gave her a can of paint.

Frank shook the can of paint spray and walked up to one of the train cars. He then started to tag it. Soon enough ray, Mikey and Gerard were tagging it too. You and Alice looked at each other and smiled. You grabbed her wrist and went with the others.

Every few minutes you would switch a color of paint with someone. After about 15 minutes, you all stepped back to admire the art you had just created. "Wow" Ray said in shock. "It actually doesn't look bad." Mikey said impressed.

You smiled and looked over at Gerard, to see him walking away towards the farthest train car. Confused, you followed him. "Hey, what'r you doing?" You asked. He jumped and looked over at you. "Jesus fuck you scared me-!" he exhaled.

"I'm just getting a break from everyone." He said. "Oh, I'll leave then-" "- No no it's okay! You can stay." He gave you a small smile. You were now at the furthest train car, it was pretty big compared to the others. "Come over here" he grabbed your wrist and lead you behind the train car.

"Are you going to kidnap me?" You joked. He chuckled, moving some leaves, revealing a door. He opened it and stepped inside the train car, you following behind. It was dark inside, until Gerard pressed a button that turned on white Christmas lights.

You looked around, there was a small couch in the middle of the room, on top of a carpet. And a mini fridge next to it. "You have a secret hideout." You giggled. "Do the guys know about it?" you asked. "No, I'd appreciate it if you don't tell them" he smiled down at you.

You and Gerard sat down on the couch. "It's nice" you said. "Thanks. I come here a lot." He said. You blushed when you realized that he was still holding your wrist. "Hey, uh Gerard?" You looked up at him. He hummed in response. "Why are you so quiet around everyone else?" You asked. He paused for a second.

"I....I don't know." He looked forward. Without thinking, you leaned your head on his shoulder. His body tensed up but slowly grew comfortable. After a few seconds, he laid his head on top of yours. Your face grew really red. Again, without thinking, you intertwined your fingers.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence Gerard decided to speak up, "I think-" "GERARD, Y/N WE'RE LEAVING" he was quickly cut off by Franks yelling. He sighed and got up. "Let go." He gave you a small smile, you stood up and walked to the others.

"you two done fucking behind that train car?" Frank said teasingly. Alice smacked his shoulder. Your face became even more hot. You looked up at Gerard to see the red blush on his cheeks contrasting from his pale face. "That's not what we were doing." You shoved frank. He just wriggled his eyebrows at you.

You went in the car with Alice Mikey and ray. You looked out the window to see Gerard whispering something to frank then walking into the car. This time Gerard was next to the window and you were in the middle with Alice.

The ride home was pretty much the same as the ride there. Loud music, and frank screaming the lyrics. Ray dropped off Alice and frank first then you. You walked to the front door, Gerard following behind. You opened the door slowly and stood in the doorway to face him.

You look at your phone, "3:45 am" you read out loud, looking up at him. "What a night." You chuckled. "Yeah" he smiled. You stared at each other for a few seconds. Then out of no where you got some courage. You stood up on your toes and kissed Gerard's cheek.

He just stood there looking lost. You giggled. "Goodnight Gerard." He snapped out of his trance. "Uh y-yeah, goodnight." And with that you shut the door and went to your room. You quickly changed your clothes and got back in bed, falling asleep.

Wow y/n has some balls 😻
Word count- 1,376

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