The Dance 2

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TW- Attempted SA

7:34, the time was 7:34, 26 minutes until the dance started. We all rushed downstairs, all dressed up and ready, not wanting to be late. "You guys all look so good wait there!" My mom called out, rushing into her room to get something. We all stood at the door, as she came back holding a Polaroid camera.

"Aw you guys are just so cute" she gushed, I rolled my eyes, "Say cheese!" My eyes widened, as I looked back at Gerard, he had the same look on his face, "WAIT" I blurted out. My mom looked at me confused. "Uh.....Gerard you left your...wallet! In the car!" I said nervously.

"Really" my mom looked at me blankly, "let me take the picture, then you can get your wallet" she said. "I would but my car is unlocked and I don't want it getting stolen" Gerard reassured, looking anywhere but my mom, then left out the door.

My mom watched confused. "It's okay take the picture" I said. "But shouldn't we wait for Gerard?" Mikey asked. "No it's fine, we don't have time." I waved my hand in his face. "But-"

"It's fine" I cut him off. He shrugged as my mom held up the camera, "Smile!" We all gathered together and smiled. She looked at the photo, "aww, you guys can go now." She smiled.

We opened the door, "bye mom" I waved as I shut the door behind us. We all walked into Gerard's car, I ran up and grabbed Frank by the collar of his shirt, "I already called front seat, go sit in the back with your girlfriend." I motioned towards Alice who was sitting in the back. He rolled his eyes and made his way to the back of the car.

"Wow you want to sit next to me that bad?" Gerard joked as I sat in the passengers seat. "Don't flatter yourself, I just want to choose the music." He looked over at me.

"Put on something I want" he said. I went in the glove box, shuffling around some cds and grabbed dookie by Green Day, and put it in. "Gerard dude you missed the picture" Frank said. Gerard smiled as Longview began to play. "It's fine" he began to drive, heading towards the school.

He turned to look at me, "Good choice" He spoke so only I heard. I felt my face flush a light shade of red. "Look at the road while you drive" I looked at my feet. He let out a small chuckle, facing back to the road.

We quickly made our way to the school. Gerard pulled into the parking lot and parked relatively close to the entrance. "Hurry get out!" Alice pushed at Frank to open the door. "Geez, you'll be able to dance with me, don't worry" he smirked, getting out of the car.

"Shut up" she giggled, following him out. I stepped out of the car and looked at the open doors of the school. Colorful lights poured out of the building, along with muffled music. "We made it just in time" Gerard grabbed my shoulders and pushed me towards the doors, with everyone following behind.

I turned around and noticed Mikey with a weirdly shaped bag. "What is that?" I asked him. "Computer" he answered. We continued walking, "Why?" I watched him.

"You'll see" Ray said with a smirk on his face. I shrugged my shoulders as we made our way inside, we walked into the large gym. Tables full of food and drinks surrounded the room, and colorful streamers fell from the ceiling. There were already a lot of people here, the room was almost full.

"Y/n, get over here!" I heard Gerard call out. I looked over to my side to notice that everyone had gone to the snack tables. I made my way over and grabbed a red plastic cup. I went to get some fruit punch but was stopped. Frank shoved his hand in my face while digging through his pocket with the other.

He pulled out a small bottle and poured the contents of it into the large bowl. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to fill up my cup. "You drink?" Gerard asked. "Eh" I shrugged.

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