After Dance

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As we drove away from the school, music blasted from the speakers in the car. Alice and Frank were screaming the lyrics to nirvana songs. I looked out the window as the cool wind blew my hair out of my face.

Then I felt a drop of water hit me in the nose. I jolted away from the window and looked outside. Rain began to pour all around. Some drops got in the car, "Shit" Gerard mumbled quietly to himself, as he rolled up his window, not wanting to get wet.

I left my window open, enjoying the breeze the rain brought. Soon enough we pulled into Gerard's driveway. "Are you staying the night?" He looked at me, with his hand still on the steering wheel. I nodded. we all rushed inside, not wanting to get soaked by the rain.

Inside, everyone sat on the couch, except for me and Alice. we went into the kitchen to get drinks for everyone. Walking back into the living room, we handed everyone a Dr Pepper.

"Thank you" Gerard said cheekily as I sat next to him. Mikey got up and grabbed a cd from a shelf and put it in a radio they had in the kitchen. I quickly recognized the album when the first song began to play.

21st century breakdown, Green Day. Mikey turned the volume up real loud before walking back in the living room. "Dude aren't your parents sleeping?" Ray asked, a bit concerned. "No, they're at our uncles wedding" Gerard said.

"Why didn't you guys go?" Alice scooted close to Frank. "Cause we wanted to go to the dance" Mikey shrugged before sitting back down next to ray.

"Shit! I can't sleep in this dress." I said quickly before sitting up, "Alice, do you need any clothes?" I asked over the music. She shook her head, "I have a shirt in franks bag" she said. I nodded before walking out of the front door, "I'll be back!" I called out, stepping into the rain.

The music was still loud, even while outside. I began crossing the street to my house but stopped. I looked around, the street was completely empty. The only noise was the music from the house. I was then dragged out of my thoughts by a familiar voice.

"Y/n! Your dress!" Gerard ran up to me, while holding an umbrella. "What are you doing in the middle of the road??" He asked confused. I stared at him for a moment before responding. "It's empty" I said, grabbing the umbrella from him and closing it.

He jumped lightly as he felt the cold rain hit his skin, "what's empty? Y/n it's cold out, let's get inside" he motioned towards my house, stepping closer to it. I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Look it's empty" I pointed at both sides of the road, as the rain fell heavily. By now we were both soaked. He looked around, and glanced at his sleeve, rolling it up a bit. "It's only 9:40, that's weird." He said, looking at his watch.

The music stopped abruptly, as we heard voices inside. "SKIP THIS SONG ITS OVER PLAYED" Then another song started. 'Last Night on Earth'

I looked at their house then back at Gerard, "I love this song" I said quickly. He looked down at me, moving a piece of wet hair away from his face, "Well, we could dance, but that's if you-"

"Okay!" I cut him off, quite exited. "Alright" he chuckled, putting one of his hands on my waist. I put one of my hands on his shoulder. He grabbed my free hand, as he kicked off his shoes and socks, I did the same.

Soon we began moving around. I laughed  lightly as I stepped on his foot, "sorry!" He shook his head, smiling.  "You're good at this" I said trying to keep up with him.

"I know" he said, as he spun me around. Which I clearly wasn't ready for, as I stumbled over. He quickly caught me by the waist. "Your not that good at this" he laughed at me.

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