Knock next time

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1st pov ‼️
Kind of smut?🧍

"Im so tired" Ray said, rubbing his eyes. "Me too" Mikey sighed. "I'm not" I giggled. We had just finished watching most of the star wars movies in chronological order. Though we couldn't watch all of them, that would take too long.

"I'm gonna head home, you guys get some sleep" I said, grabbing my phone and standing up. "Goodnight" I smiled walking out of Mikey's room and walking down stairs into the living room. "Hey y/n its kind of late to leave don't ya think" I looked over to the couch to see Gerard looking at a book with a lousy smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes and continued to the front door, when I was stopped. "Let me walk you home" Gerard was now next to me, stepping out the front door, with me following behind. We walked across the street, heading to my house, but I stopped in my tracks.

"Wait" I said pulling out my phone. "What" Gerard asked peeking over my shoulder, looking at my phone. "I'm just gonna go to Alice's house" I said, putting my phone back in my pocket. "But it's like 2am" Gerard said, following me as I started walking up the street.

"I know, we kind of pop up at each others house at random times without a heads up." I shrugged. Gerard shook his head and chuckled. "I guess I'm walking with you" he shoved my shoulder. "If you want to" I continued walking. "I do" he looked down at me.

I felt the blush on my cheeks. Good thing it was dark out. I just smiled to myself. Before I even realized, we were at Alice's house. "That went by quick" I said. Gerard nodded in agreement. I walked over the the bushes in her front lawn and pulled out a small box.

"What is that" Gerard furrowed his brows. Without saying anything, I opened the box to reveal a key. I giggled as I put the box back and walked to the door. I opened it with the key and stepped inside. "Alice?" I called out loudly. But there was no response.

Gerard gave me a confused look, I just shrugged. "I'll stay with you just incase she's not here and you have to walk home." He said. "Alright." I walked into the living room, the tv was on and the blankets were scattered all over the floor.

Confused, I grabbed the tv remote and turned it off. It was now quiet.


I looked at Gerard, both of us confused. Then it happened again


"What the hell" I mumbled to myself. Gerard snickered. "It's coming from upstairs." He said. We walked up the stairs and stood at Alice's door, The cause of all this noise. Gerard giggled to himself again. "What?" I asked, "nothing, just open the door" he said in between laughs.

Confused, I put my ear up to the door. I looked at Gerard, eyes wide. "No fucking way" I mumbled. He just smiled and nodded. I opened the door slowly. Stepping in the room I held in a laugh at the sight.

Under the blankets of her bed was frank on top of Alice, both of their eyes closed. They were too caught up with their own stuff to notice me and Gerard staring. "I knew it" Gerard whispered to me. "You did?" I questioned. He smiled and nodded. Then out of nowhere, Alice and Frank, at the same time, let out a loud moan, as frank thrusted under the blankets.

My mouth dropped open. "Hi guys!" I said rather loud, so they could hear. Immediately, both their heads snapped in my direction. Quickly frank scrambled off of Alice, and they both held the covers over their bodies.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE FOR!?" Alice's face was now VERY red. I shrugged. "About 3 minutes I think" gerard said. Frank threw his head back onto a pillow and groaned. "We're gonna go in the living room so you guys can get dressed." I grabbed Gerard's wrist.

"I hope you guys used protection!" Gerard called out as we walked down the stairs into the living room. "Well I wasn't expecting that" I said as I sat down on the couch. "I heard them when we were outside." Gerard sat next to me. I furrowed my brows at him "how?"

He pointed at his ear. "oh yeah, I forgot" I let out a stifled laugh. Gerard rolled his eyes and looked at me. "Out of everyone in the group, Frank and Alice are the first to lose their virginity" he said, scrunching up his face.

"Hey, who says I'm a virgin" I huffed. He smirked "Cause I can smell it" he said, his voice now quiet, as he leaned close to me. He inhaled slowly, smelling my neck. I felt my body tense as he did this, my face slowly becoming red.

He slowly moved away from me smiling down at me. Still tense, I looked up at him. We stayed like this for a few seconds. Then, he opened his mouth, still smiling, and flashed me his fangs. "You have fresh blood" he said lowly.

"Y/n! Gerard!" Alice quietly called out from upstairs. Gerard's teeth went back to normal as he sat up, me following. "It's Sweet." He Said, walking up to Alices room. I looked at him confused "what?" He looked forward "your blood. It smells sweet"

Not having any time to respond, Alice grabbed my wrist and dragged me to her room, Frank stopping Gerard to talk to him. Me and Alice sat on her bed "hey" she breathed out as we sat on her bed.

"Hi" i Held in a laugh. "Guys." Frank peeked his head in the doorway with Gerard by his side. "We're gonna head home" he looked down with blush stained cheeks. "Alright" i Said. Gerard Waved and then they both walked out.

"Okay now that they're gone, tell me something" i leaned over to her. "Tell you what" she blushed "was he good!?" I asked rather loudly. Her eyes webt wide, shocked that I had asked that. After a few Moments of silence she decided to respond.


Does that even make sense?? The smelling your virginity thing 😭 whatever

Word count-1058

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