Chaper 12

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I was off today. My phone started ringing my moms ringtone. "Hello?" i asked. "Hey Elizabeth wants to see you. I have no days off but do you think you could let her meet an orca or take her to the beach. Just let her spend the week with you." She said sadly. "Of course ill come get her." I replied. They only lived 2 hours away. I went and got dressed and grabbed my keys. "Wanna go on a two hour road trip?" I asked Paul. "Sounds great" he answered. "To where" he asked. "My sisters coming spend the week with me" I replied. "Ill drive." He said. The trip up there wasn't bad, there was barely any traffic. When I got to my mom and dads house I knocked on the door and Elizabeth answered. I wanted to cry because I could see where she had lost hair from chemotherapy. I stayed strong. "Hey babygirl" I said as I hugged her. "Hey sissy" she replied with a big smile. I loved seeing her smile. "Who's this? He's cute." She asked talking about Paul. "This is Paul, he's uh my boyfriend." I said while smiling. "OH MY GOSH YOUR FROM MY FAVORITE SHOW VAMPIRE DIARIES!" She said and hugged him. "Hi" he said with a big smile. "Is he gonna hang out with us too sissy?" She asked excitingly. "Uh if you want him too" I smiled back at her. She shook her head yes then my mom and dad came out. "Hey sweetheart" my dad said while hugging me. "I'm so sorry we can't come"my mom said. "It's okay we're gonna have tons of fun right?" I asked smiling at Elizabeth! She shook her head yes and ran to the car. My dad came and put her luggage in the car. "You ready?" I asked she shook her head. We spent the whole 2 hours home talking about vampire diaries. When we got back we watched a few movies because it was 5 when we got there so there was nothing to do. "Do you have to work tomorrow?" Lizy asked. "Yes but your coming with me and when I have to do a show you can hang out with Paul." I said smiling. "Yay!" She squealed. She fell asleep so I carried her to the guest room an tucked her in. Gosh I've missed her. When I got back downstairs Paul was still sitting on the couch. "Since she loves Vampire Diaries so much can you invite Ian Nina Candice and Matt again?" I asked. "Sure but their with Kat Graham too so she's gonna come too if they do." He replied and got his phone out. "Even better" I said and smiled. He called them and all agreed to come and they were gonna surprise her after believe. And during believe I was gonna let her be the guest child during 'Pass the Torch". I can't wait. Then I went to sleep with Paul on the couch.


It was five in the morning and almost timet to go Paul and Elizabeth were coming to work with me today. "WAKE UP!" I screamed happily. "What the hell?" Paul yelled back and threw a pillow at me. "Hey!" I said and threw it back and him. "Let's get ready." I said. "Elizabeth wake up." I said quietly. "Why are we waking up so early?" She asked tiredly. "Welcome to the world of a Shamu trainer" I said and smiled. "Now hurry up and get dressed." I said and walked out. I got into my believe sweat suit and packed my clothes for after work. When they were ready to go we got in the car and drove to SeaWorld. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Elizabeth asked repeating every couple of seconds. "Not yet" I answered back. Paul smirked. When we got there we parked in the back. When we got into the fish room she said "it smells yucky in here." "It's the fish" I replied and smiled. "Who's this?" Pete asked. "This is Elizabeth, my sister. Elizabeth this is Pete, Art, and Jenn." I introduced each one. She waved at all of them and smiled. I got the fish ready and the rest of the trainers entered to grab the fish buckets for their whales. Then I heard Robyn say "gather around." We did as we were told. "Paige, today will be your water work with Keet!" He said and smiled. Everyone clapped and I heard Elizabeth scream with excitement. And Paul clapped and stood behind me. "It will be before the believe show. Open stadium again" he added. Everyone clapped again. "Okay back to work" he said and we all grabbed our buckets again. I got Paul and Elizabeth some rubber boots. I stepped over the small wall onto the platform in the dine with shamu pool. Paul did the same and helped Elizabeth. She was getting so weak. I cleared my mind of all the thoughts of her cancer and I handed her a fish. "Throw it in his mouth." She was so excited and threw it. "Okay be careful and rub his fluke." I said while I told Keet to roll over. She squealed when she touched him with excitement then the announcements came on and announced my waterwork session. It was now time I lined him up and stepped onto his back I saw Lizi's huges smile. I stood up and dove I had great balance due to working with Orkid. Once it was over it was almost time for believe. I was doing 'Pass the Torch'. Everyone went to the back and I met keet back there. All of the segments went great then it was time for pass the torch I walked out there with the Whale Tail pendent around my neck. "Believing in yourself and in your dreams is very important. Now I wear this pendent to remind me of the belief that I have in myself and the dream that I get to live everyday. Now I want all of you to meet a friend of mine. She's my little sister and she has been diagnosed with cancer. She has an amazing dream. What do you wanna be when you get older?" She replied "A trainer here. I love these animals." "That is an amazing dream. Now come with me I have something to show you" I brought her to the glass walkway and up to the hight of the slideout. Right then missy came out of the water doing a hydro. Then Wendy went around the pool doing porps. Art came up doing the rocket hop. She enjoyed the show she really enjoyed it. After the show Nina, Ian, Matt, Candice, and Kat all started walking down the stairs to the bottom of the stadium where we were. She spotted them.


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