Chapter 16

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8:00 the next morning


I regret not going to see them before they left. I have nothing left. I got in my car and drove to work. I'm doing my first believe show with corky. I need to focus on her. I walked into the fish room and got her bucket and I called her over. I fed her the whole bucket. Then it was show time. I looked out into the stadium filled with about 5,000 people. I looked into the crowd expecting to see them. They weren't there. I miss them already. When it was time for "far greater" I got on Corkys stomach and she brought me to the show pool. The crowd all awed. I kissed her stomach and dove off. She brought me to the stage and I gave her a handful of fish. I asked her to vocalize and she did. The segment ended very fast and I ran to the back. Tears over flowed my eyes. I wanted to see them and hug them but it wasn't going to happen. Beckie saw me crying and walked over to me "What's wrong Paige?" She asked sincerely. "I miss them.." I barely said. She grabbed me and hugged me. Like Paul used to do. "You can take the rest of the day off, if you want to." She added. "No I'm fine." I replied. It was now time for One Ocean. I was doing side by side with Orkid and Alex with Ulises. When it was time for the segment the two whales started of swimming slowly next to each other around the tank. They looked gorgeous. Then Alex and I got on the stage and kneeled down. I held my hands out as Orkid and Ulises came up in the middle of the pool doing the hula. We both blew our whistles and gave the whales some fish. We asked them both for their pecs and rubbed them down then asked them to slide on the stage. We gave then nice rubdowns the crowd were amazed you could see it in the way that they looked at the whales. I got them to vocalize. They slid back in and I gave Orkid a huge piece of ice. While the speech was on we just fed our whales some ice. Right before the end of it we sent them to do a bow in the middle of the pool. I asked Orkid for a high five the crowd laughed. Right at the end we gave the signal to slide up and kiss. They looked adorable and the crowd awed. And Alex gave me the mic. "Hi my name is Paige. Since becoming a trainer here at shamu stadium I've learned that were all part of one family. One really big family. But just like any family each whale has their likes and their dislikes but there is one thing they ALL have in common. They can make a really big... SPLASH!!!!" Then I ran to the back. I checked my phone. I had a missed call from Paul. Should I call back? I thought to myself. Then I dialed his number. "Hello" he asked. "Hey. You called?"


"Did you need something?"

"I miss you"

"I miss you too"

"I promise we'll be back soon, we have The week before Easter off."


"Yep. And we already have our plane tickets"

"That's great!"

"Well I have to go. Love you"

"Love you too"

Then he hung up. I was so excited. Easters only a month away!

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