Chapter 4

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They followed me to the underwater viewing area. They all gasped. "This is awesome" Matt said. "Yeah, this was my favorite place as a child." I said. "I can see why" Candice said amazed. "Which whales are they?" Paul asked pointing at the whales in the under water viewing. "That one right there is Orkid, that ones Corky, that ones Shouka and that's Nakai." I said pointing each one out. His eyes widened and he smiled at me. "They're so cute!" Nina squealed. "They're my life." I said looking at them. I tapped on the glass and Orkid came. "Hi, Orkid." I said smiling. She vocalized. I got her to open her mouth and stick her tongue out! "Wow she's beautiful." Paul said looking at her. "How can you tell them apart?" Ian asked. "Are you going to be here tomorrow?" I asked. "I think" Ian replied. "Well come to the shamu story show. It tells you everything you might need to know." I said and smiled. "Well I have to go. I'm about to be off of work." I said. "You should come hang out with us and how us around." Candice said. She had always been my favorite cast member of that show. "Okay cool" I said. I went into the locker room. I put my jeans on with my converse and a purple polo shirt. When I came out Beckie waved bye and I waved back and smiled.


I was happy Candice did that. She was more than gorgeous and I couldn't wait to hang out with her. She finally came out of the employees only door. "So where do yall wanna go?" She asked. "Let's go ride the ride." Matt said. "Matt. Can you be more specific?" Nina asked and chuckled. "Yeah uh the sting ray one.." He said a little embarrassed. "Manta?" Paige asked. "Yeah that" he said. We all laughed. "Yeah I don't ride roller coasters. Only the water rides. But ill wait for yall" Paige said. Thank god. I don't ride them either. So this should be good. "Pauly doesn't ride them either." Ian smirked. I wanted to slap him for calling me that.


I was actually pretty happy that he didn't ride them because I didn't want to just be sitting here alone like a chicken. "Alright well we'll be back" Ian said as they entered the ride entrance. "So, i didn't fully introduce myself. I'm Paul." He said and smiled. He stool his hand out for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Paige." I said while shaking his hand. He smiled. A few minutes passed it was kind of awkward. Then the rest of the group walked out of the exit. "Never again" Matt said. "It wasn't even bad." Ian retorted. I laughed a little. "Do y'all wanna catch SeaLions tonight? It's a really funny show!"I asked. "Sure!" Paul said. Then Ian said "You don't even like sea lions Pauly." "I didn't say that." Paul retorted. I laughed while leading them to SeaLion stadium.

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