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I was in my office studying about Sebastian's investments in company.
He was not lying when he said his whole family invested in company. He, his father and his two cousins invested at most fifty billion dollars in it.

I only knew about him and his father. But I never heard of his cousins. Father must know about them. I took over the company 4 years ago. Before that he was handling it and my father and Sebastian's father, Matteo knew each other. I mean they were on good terms. He is nice man, I can say.

He helped you also.


I rolled my eyes at my conscience.

I dialed father's number and waited for him to pick up. After four rings he picked up and smile made its way on my face.

"Hello Dear. I think today sun rised from west. You never called me first. Always I am the one who calls you."

I smiled," Sorry father. Its not that, but you know how busy I am. Anyways how is mother? "

"She is good. But always throw tantrums about meeting you or hiw you forget about us when you decided to play business-business. How she wanted to always meet you, but you never let us visit you."

My smile faded.

"Its not like I don't want to meet you. But I am really busy. I will visit you when I get time."

He sighed,"Dear, we trust you and you are the only family we have, so we get worried."

"Hmm, I know. Well father, can I ask you something about business?"

"Off course. Go ahead."

"Actually I was looking at investors list and I came to know that Sebastian Kilian, his father and his cousins are huge shareholders in our company. Can you tell me about them? I mean its not like I don't know them. But they never came in any meeting and don't even intrupt in any things related to us."

I can imagine father smiled and said," Its because they knew they invsted in a good company and you don't disappoint them. Not only them but anyone. You are doing a great job. When I started this company only your mom was with me. It all started from minus. It was thirty years ago. One day Matteo and his wife, Aurora came in company. She liked your mother's textile designs. So they decided to invest in it. Both women became friends in almost a month. Then company started growing and Matteo's also. So we both became a little distant.

About cousins, Matteo had a sister. She had two sons. I think she and her husband died almost fifteen years ago in a car accident. Both sons were raised by Matteo family. They took over their father's company and invested a ten percent in shares in our company."

I nodded and asked," Then why didn't hear of any one of the cousins."

"They moved to New York six years ago with their wives. They handles their business from there."


Now all of my confusions started to solve.

"Dear, I am proud of you. You turned my efforts in prize. We started from minus but you take it to billions. We are really proud of you."

I smiled,"Thanks father."

"Okay and if you have any other doubts you can call Sebastian."

Off course.


"Okay father. Goodbye."

I smiled and hung up. The only people who were there for me when I was having worst time in my life were my parents.

They deserved all the happiness in the world and I will do anything for them.

I was sure they would be missing their real daughter. They would have been proud of her if she was alive.

Yeah you heard right. I am not their real daughter. They adopted me when I was sixteen.


9 years ago.

I was sitting on a chair in the park just like everyday looking in the space. Then a couple approached me. They were probably in their late thirties.

I looked at them. A lady kneeled down in front of me and smiled.

"Adriana. You look so much like her."


I was an orphan.

Yes, my real name was not Adriana. My real name was Angela. But I became Adriana Knight the moment they adopted me when I was sixteen years old.

The couple's daughter was around my age. She also had brown hair and brown eyes. Her name was Adriana. She died in an accident when she was coming home from school.

They raised me like I was their own princess. I smiled remembering our great times together.

Those moments.

I remember how happy I was with them. How my parents brings a smile to my face. They were happy with me. But I can't take the place of real Adriana.

But do I really deserve this?

Off course you do.

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