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After the dinner night I sat at the bar and drowned myself in drinking whiskey. I didn't even know why but today I missed her a lot. Maybe because of our father as she looked just like our father. After meeting father after almost months, I realized how she had father's features while I had mother's. I was silent, mature kid while she was innocent, bubbly child. We did many things together a sibling do. I chuckled remembering our deeds.

My princess. My sister.


8 years ago...

"Brother, come with me. I want to show you something," fifteen year old Iviana came in my room without knocking where I was sitting on the study table reading a book.

My mind went back to her. She must had done something.

"What did you do now? I swear I will not write an apology letter on the behalf of father again."

"No. Not that. Come fast. There is something special in a garden."

Groaning I put bookmark on current page and closing book I stood up.

"Let's go."

I followed her as she was bickering rather she was sure that I will love her surprise.

When we reached there, I saw a box. I furrowed my eyes in confusion walking towards it.

"A bomb Iviana?"

"No duffer."

Iviana opened the box and smile appeared on my face.

There was a puppy in it. It was cute, brown, small and adorable. But I felt bad as she took it here when he should be at his mother's arms.

"Iviana, its really a cute puppy, but I think its mother would be searching for him."

"Actually its mother is dead. When I was coming from school in a car, uncle Marco stopped car as he was attending a phone call. Then we heard two boys shouting near garden. So Marco uncle went towards them. After he shouted at them, they ran away. But then we saw a dog was laying there. There was blood on her stomach and her leg. We decided to take her to the hospital. As uncle was placing the dog in the car, I saw this puppy coming from the bushes. He had tears in his eyes. So I picked it and placed it on my lap. After veteran checked on its mother, he said that it was too late. Those boys hit her on her leg with stone many times and stabbed with stick in her stomach. She was already dead. So uncle dropped me home with this puppy and he went to the hospital so that he can bury his mother."

"Those jerks separated a child from its mother."

She sighed and nodded. There were tears in her eyes when she was telling me the whole situation.

Soon she smiled and said," We can keep it. Oh! By the way its him. We checked his gender also. He have a little bit fever. So doctor gave him medicines and also injected him antirabies."

"You have grown up Iviana. I am proud of you." I was really proud. I patted her head as she giggled and removed the puppy from the box.

After that we took the puppy in his new home.

"Welcome home Ron," Iviana named him. I smiled at her as she put Ron on sofa and covered him with a child blanket.

We both convinced our parents to keep him. Eventually they accepted him and loved him like he was their third kid.

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