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After few days

Caroline has joined us finally after almost a month. She has some bruises on her hands and stomach. But she did much job to hide them like they were never there.

And right now I am on my way to her office because I want to talk to her about something. It is very important. Very.

I knocked on her door and a soft 'come in' voice came from inside. I twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

She was there sitting in her chair. But she looked different. She was not herself.

"Hey, Adriana."


She averted her eyes from me and focused on the computer.

"Do you need anything?"

"No. I just wanted to talk to you."

She paused in the middle and smiled.

"Aah! If you are here to talk about that day, its ok. I am fine."

I sighed.


She looked at me and put that fake facade.

"What's botheeing you? And don't lie to me. Because clearly you are not okay."

She looked at me for few moments and slowly nodded.

"I----," she trailed of but couldn't complete her sentence.

I got up and went near her and leaned down to the desk. I took the pencil and placed in the file and closed it. I removed her hand from the mouse and put a little far from her.


She slowly nodded.

"Its ok. You are safe now."

And the moment she heard those words her demonour changed. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Adr-Adriana." She sobbed and I instantly placed my palms on her hands.

"shoo! I know. You don't need to talk. Just remember I am here. You are safe. Me, Blake and even you are here. I promise you no one will hurt you again."

The tears streamed down from her eyes and she hugged me by putting her head on my stomach.

"Cry. Cry all you want."


I nodded my head.


"I am no-t okay. I fee-l him. Every-where. In my house. Here al-so. He is fuck-ing everywhere. And I hate this. I do-n't want to think about that. But my night-mares are proof Adriana. I can't esc-ape them. And I loath this. I wa-nt my nor-mal life back. Plea-se. Stop these night-mares. I can't even ea-t and I hate that. I can't walk alo-ne and I fucking hate that. Blake is there for me. But I fee-l like he is stuck with me taking ca-re of me and I hate it. I don't want him to pi-ty me. I hate that I can't do anyt-hing. I feel so help-less and I hate that. Plea-se. Plea-se. Plea..."

I took a deep breath.

"No, Caroline you are not helpless. You know I am proud of you. Because you stood up for yourself that day. I am so proud of you. I really am and I bet Blake also. He is not doing everything for you out of pity but he may have feelings for you. Because he wants to do this. You are not weak."

"I can still fee-l him on my bo-dy."

I didn't say anything. I couldn't.

"He is d-dead."

I furrowed my brows.



"Blake told me tha-t if anyone tries to hurt me he wi-ll bring that fucker's head to me and really he brou-ght his head. And the wor-st part I didn't feel any-thing."

I sighed.

"No. Caroline. You are not like this."

"I know and ha-te that I am being like this."

I backed away and I shook her.

"You are not like this Caroline. You are not fucking like this," I said sternly that she also gasped by my loud voice.

I stood up straight and turned around so she could not see my face.

"Caroline. This is exactly what I wanted to talk about. Don't. Please don't be like this. Don't bottle up your feelings. Say what you want."

I looked at her and looked at her. She has her one hand on her mouth and one in her lap. She was trying so hard to not cry.

"Caroline. Please. Don't. Cry. Cry."

And she sobbed again nodding her head. This time I hugged her.

"Let it out. Let it out."

This time she cried. She only cried in my arms and I let her.

After few moments she backed away and taking tissue she wiped her eyes.


She nodded her head.

"I will suggest you to go to the therapist. Before you say anything, it is not beacuse you are crazy and all that shit. No. Its for your mental peace. I will arrange everything if you say yes."

She looked at me for sometime and slowly nodded her head.

I smiled and she hugged me again.


Guys just yesterday I was on 250 reads and in one day I reached 310 reads. Its so special for me. Thanks guys. I hope you really like this story. Because I am writing this but I feel like I am missing something in this story. Last week I tried to edit the whole story but god I only edited first 5 chapters. It has been so hectic. I am definitely missing an important piece of this story from the chapter 1.

But its ok. I will try my best to complete this story till this summer.


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