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It was strange feeling. Very strange to be hugged. I felt calm. The second I heard the news of Caroline getting abused my blood boiled.

But right now all I can do was to stand properly or I will surely fall in his arms. His hands were on my back sliding up and down telling me he was here. He was here with me. In my problems. Whenever I will be in bad he will be there to hold my hand, body and soul. It felt eerily calm. I just lleaned on his shoulder as he was soothing me.

I closed my eyes. I wanted this to stop and sleep there. I was tired. Tired of being strong. Acting strong.

I knew that I don't need a man in my life and Sebastian knew it too. He felt different. He was gentle. Goddamn I just wanted a nap. There.

Fuck the world. I just want my time. To spend it on myself. To live for myself without any worry, care.
Nothing else.

I just want time to stop. So I can sleep without any nightmares there. In his arms.

Just me and me. Nothing else.

"You okay?" Sebastian's voice broke me out of my trance.

I don't know if I was okay. Actually no. I will be never okay.

I heard as he intake a breath.

"You should sleep. You are tired. We are here."

I didn't know what to do. Nothing. I did nothing. I didn't speak anything.

I just backed up and looked at him. His eyes were soft. Like he was telling me he was here with me.

He turned and placed his palm on my back to led me to the other room.

"Its guest room I usually sleep whenever I came here."

I didn't know what he was trying to tell me by saying that. We reached towards the door and he opened the door for me.

As usual.


I looked at him as he was hesitating to say something. I raised my brow at him.

"Can you stay away for just ten minutes? "

"Why?" my eyes were now narrowed.


I nodded as he left the room shutting the door. I looked at the room. There was a floor to seiling glass with a small chandelier at the right top. The interior was very different than mine. There were grey as well as white shades on the walls. I walked towards the glass and saw a pool outside. The light was reflecting making it glow as the water was deflecting slightly and the most important thing was the darkness of the night added extraordinarily beauty.

It was calm. Very calm.

I heard as room door opened and closed. I heard as the footsteps became louder telling me that he was coming towards me. I didn't bother to turn around as I was seeing his reflection in front of me. There was a tray in his hands. He walked towards me and stopped alittle right to my side behind me. Our eyes met and we just looked at each other through the glass.

His face was glowing because of the light from outside or maybe other reason. There was some type of expression on his face. Like he was relieved.


I don't know.

"This is for you. You should it. You didn't even eat earlier."

And this was my cue to turn around.

I looked at him bewildered and then at tray in his hands. There was a bowl. I guessed it was soup.

"This is tomato soup. Sit down."

He practically dragged me towards the bed and made me sit on it while he sat down beside me.

"What are you doi-"

He dipoed the spoon in the bowl and blowed on it. He forwarded it towards me.

What the hell is going on? He is feeding you.


I looked at him and spoon confused.

Yeah. Seriously what is going on?


He raised his eyebrows.

I again looked at him.

I opened my mouth to say something when he shoved the spoon in my mouth.

It was good. Did he make it? For me?

Yes. You and only you.


I don't know ask him. He is such a sweetheart though.

Oh! Shut up.

"Don't you like it? Its ok I will bring something else."

He was going to stand up when I don't know when, how and why but I grabbed his wrists.


Nooooooo. Don't leave.

"Its good. Its just that I can eat myself. You don't need to feed me. "

He sat down again. I grabbed the tray from his hands and placed it on my lap. I took a sip again and again. That was absolutely good.

"Thank you.

Did you just thanked him?

I looked at him and watched as he fidgeting his fingers. His ears and cheeks were red.

"No need."

He said in a very low voice that I almost didn't hear it.

He was acting strange today.


I looked at him questionably as he called my name.

"Get some rest. I will be outside and don't worry about Caroline. She will be fine."

I just nodded my head as there was again blackness on my face remembering about Caroline's injuries and incident.

He sighed and left the room saying 'Goodnight.'

I lied down as I saw him leaving me alone in my own chain of thoughts.

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