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Next day..

After I told her to sleep I slept on the couch in the living room ignoring me all thoughts.

I like her. Fuck I love her. My heartbeats become fast every single time I look at her. I wanted to hug her and sleep beside her yesterday.

It is becoming hard for me to keep my hands to myself, to control myself, to not let me touch her, to not hug her.

Fuck! To not let me kiss her. It had become hard. Very hard.

I wanted to do all the things but she will not let me and I will not force her. I will wait for her.

Yesterday she looked like a goddess. But god forgive me if I thought about her in that way.

I woke up this morning and entered in the room only to see that she was sleeping.

It was eerily peaceful and quiet beautiful scene I have seen in my life. She is so pretty. My heartbeats again increased as I breathed out a sharp inhale at the sight in front of me.

I went towards her and kneeled down tiill my face was at equal level as her.
She was sleeping with her one hand under her head and one hand on her stomach under the sheets. The blanket was upto her nose hiding her lips from me.

The sunlight from outside blessed her as they fell on her hairs. Her hairs spread on the pillow on the right side.

"For how long are you planning to sit here and watch me?"

My eyes widened at the realization that I was staring at her for long time.



I instantly stood up.


She slowly opened her eyes adjusing to the light.

Fuck. Every little thing she do will always do something to me. Sitting up on the bed she lookes at me. She was still sleepy. It was clear in her eyes. She rubbed her palms on her eyes and grabbed the phone.

It was seven am.

She closed the phone and yawned flexing her arms on her head.


She looks cute. God dammit

Averting my gaze from her I bite down on my lips and relesed a deep breath.

"What are you doing here?"

I came to ready but I got distracted by you. That view of your sleeping always remain on my mind rentfree.

I wanted to tell her that so bad.

"You should wake up. I will make breakfast."

Saying that I quickly entered in the washroom. Beacause if I stay there any longer I don't think I can stop looking at her.

After freshning up I entered in the room only to see it was empty. Blankets were undone and covers messed up alittle.

I smiled to myself and entered in the wardrobe. Wearing a T-shirt and jeans I came outside.

Again those messy sheets grabbed my attention. It was like I wanted to go there and sleep on that undone bed smelling her fragrance.

I let it remain like that and warned myself to remind Blake to not touch this bed again.

I went in the kitchen to make something but Blake was already there lost in his thoughts. I looked around but Adriana was nowhere in sight.

"Where is Adriana?"

He came out of trance and looked at me. He sighed.

"She is getting ready in my room."

I frowned. She is getting ready in Blake's room.

"Don't be jealous. I told her to get ready there and Caroline is also there. So she told me that ahe wants to Caroline alone."

I glared at him. Maybe because I was really jealous.

"Sebastian. Don't give me that look."

I sighed and sat on the chair.

"What did you make?"

"Toast and eggs."

I nodded my head and just then Adriana entered there as always looking beautiful, confident and....hot.

Blake grabbed a plate and put toast, egg, juice glass on it.

"I will check on Caroline. She needs to eat this and her pills. So you guys continue."

I nodded my head and entering in the kitchen I grabbed the plates for the both of us. I placed the plate in front of her and sat down.

We both ate in silence and I wanted to break that silence so badly, but surprisingly she did it firstly.

"I don't have an appetite."

I looked at her and then her plate. She finished only half of her plate.

"Adriana. You should eat more."

She shrugged.

It was difficult for her. I must do something.

So I entered in the kitchen and poured a glass of juice for her.

"Here. Drink this. This will give you energy."

This time I didn't sat down. I just stood up till she finishes the juice.
Sighing she started taking small sips from her drink.

"What about this?" she asked me as she pointed at the remaining food.

I smiled.

"Don't worry."

I grabbed her half toast and ate.

"You know that you just my leftover food that was halfeaten by me."

Yeah. You ate that without any second thought.

Shut up.

"I-Its better to eat than to waste it."

I laughed as I embarrassed myself in front of her.

She smiled and finished her glass shaking her head.

It brings a smile on my face also.

" You should eat also. Eat mine too. I don't think I can finish that."

I looked at her and smiled.

"Off course."

With that I grabbed her plate and all her and mine food.

"We should leave. I will meet Caroline and you will drop me to my house."

I just nodded my head and watched as she stood up.

Soon I dropped her at her house and make sure she went safely in it. I then smiling left for my office. 

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