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"Tie her. Until then I will contact her family and try to settle down the money."

A man nodded and grabbed a girl who was in her midteens.

"Hell she is in of the hottest chick. I mean look at her. Innocent and all. But that down part looks like it is made only to eat. I bet she is a virgin shit."

"Don't do anything stupid. We have to follow the boss's rules."

"I bet he will be the one who will take her virginity."

He sighed and left to make a call.

There was a ring for a few seconds when someone picked up the call.



Urgency was clear in his voice.

"We have your daughter."

"Please. Pl-ease I beg you. Please don't hur-t her. She is a sma-ll child. What-ever you want I wi-ll give you. If you want to kill me, ki-ll me. But just lea-ve her."

"Don't worry about her. Send one millions dollars. I will send you the address."

"I wi-will bring money. Just gi-ve me sometime."

"Tomorrow at nine in the morning."

"I wi-ll be there. Just don't hur-t her."

"Yeah yeah. But I am warning you don't be a dumbass and try to drag the police in this or I swear consequences will be so bad. It might include your precious daughter's life. So now everything is on you."

"O-okk. I wi-ll not do any-thing."

"Be there at sharp given time."

"I will. I will."

He cut the call and went inside the werehouse only to see the girl naked and the other man lying beside her in the pool of his own blood.


Before he touch his phone a loud gunshot errupted in the air causing the man to drop the phone and raise a gun.


He halted in his steps when he heard that voice and took a few steps back and agaun a loud noise blasted in air.

"Stop right there."

A black figure started to get visible as he saw someone coming out of shadows. He raised a gun again but this time a bullet scrubbed at his arm and hit the wall behind him and he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"I warned you, didn't I?"

"Who are you?"

His voice almost audible but the woman heard it and started to laugh.
She came towards the man who was basically kneeled down in front of her  and she raised her foot. She put her heel on his chest and pushed him causing the man to drop on his back.

He gritted his teeth to hide his pain but the woman raised her gun and pointing at other dead man she shot him in his guts.

Man closed his eyes.

"You are not afraid of dying."

A man opened his eyes and stare at the woman.

"I did many bad things in my life and I believe in karma."

She scoffed and taking back her foot she stood up neatly and rolled her neck.

"Usually I don't ask my victims about their last wish. But I will ask you. So, what's your last wish?"

He sighed and relaxing his body, he placed his both of his hands on the stomach.

"Kill me in one bullet."

She smirked at his weakness and shook her head.

"No. No. You don't get to order me."

He opened his eyes and suddenly a blue and red flash siren wailed in the surrounding.

"They are here."

A man laughed sadly and looked at her.

"Black saviour. They call you black saviour for a reason. You are doing a great job. Just stay safe. There is huge chance of dying in this kind of work."

She tilted her head.

"Don't worry about me. I am doing this from past five years. Nothing happened."

He nodded slowly.

"I will not tell the cops about you. I am very tired. You should leave."

She looked at him and grabbing a dirty cloth lying on a table beside them she covered the naked girl who was kidnapped.

She glanced at the mess around her a last time and sighing she jumped off the window at the backside of werehouse.

A low voice of heavy steps and murmuring of cops was chattered.
Police entered in the house and quickly arrested the man and took a dead man's body. A woman cop took the girl to the ambulance and in an hour she was taken safely to her parents house.


Late and short update but don't worry I will try to update every week.

Assignments and shits, practicals and exams are a huge a load on my ass right now.

Hope you understand.


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