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Next Day

I haven't smoke since the moment Sebastian took that cigarette from me.  It was hard to remain consious for me without smoking. But I was trying. So I decided I focus and the work.

I was working on the new contract when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

I looked up to see Sebastian entered with a huge smile on his face. How can he smile almost everytime? Whenever I was with him he would always smile. He looked handsome in that navy suit, but I would never tell him that.

I again focus on the file in front of me.



Admit it. He looks like a model.



I looked at him again watching him sitting down in front of me.


"Actually I wanted to talk to you."

I nodded, "Ok. Go ahead."

He looked down his watch and then at me.

"Its almost 3pm. Did you have your lunch?"

No. I don't eat lunch.

But I decided to lie.

Before I open my mouth to say something, he said,

"You haven't , right? Then lets talk on the lunch."

Before I could protest again he stood up and walked out of the door.

What was that? Did I just sit speechless in front of him without doing anything? And did he just order me?

I sighed. Grabbing my phone, purse and jacket I left the cabin.

Outside I informed Caroline about the lunch with Sebastian and we both entered the elevator. Silence was filled in air.

We entered in the parking lot where Sebastian took out the keys and opened the passenger door of Black Mercedes.

She looked badass but no one can beat my ferrari.

He waited till I sat down.

Wow, such a gentleman.

I muttered thanks and he smiled. He went towards the driver seat and started the car.

It was silence in the whole ride but it felt comfortable.

I was lost in thoughts when he told me,

"We are here."

It was basically a twenty one ride from my office. I looked outside to see a less crowded hotel. I grabbed door handle of the car to open it but Sebastian leaned forward and grabbed my wrist which was on the handle.

Fuck what was that?

I felt something in my stomach.

They are called as butterflies!

Uhhhh... Okay!

I looked at him raising my eyebrow. He smiled and said,

"I will open the door for you."

Before I could answer again he removed his hand from me. I lost my breath and sat there thinking what just happened. No, why I felt like this. I didn't even notice that when he went outside and opened the door for me. Grabbing my purse I exited. I sighed and took a deep breath.

Sebastian handed the car keys to the valet. He came beside me and we started walking to the entrance door of the hotel.

Entering inside Sebastian asked a man about our reserved place and a man led us to the the room.

He fucking reserved the seats for us but when?

When we entered inside it was like a room made of glass. Two sides made with glass while one was covered. It was beautiful with a view of buildings and city view. It was kinda peaceful.

"Its beautiful." I don't even know when those words flew out from my mouth in a whisper.

"Indeed it is."

Did I say it that loudly?

I looked at him to see him looking at me.

He just called you beautiful.

I again felt something in my stomach.
I coughed and diverting my eyes from him and took a seat. He also sat down smirking.

"Well I didn't know this place. How do you know?"

He looked down at the menucard.

"It was my sister's favorite place."

I frown a little knowing about his sister. I didn't want to talk about that topic so I decided to change it.

"What do you want to talk about?"

He sighed, "Some business and my father's birthday party next week."

I nodded. "Okay. Go ahead."

After a half hour of discussion and lunch we were still working.

"Well I didn't heard from Anthony Ross from the day of the meeting. I heard he move to Japan next day with his family leaving all his business and money," Sebastian said while looking at me.

"Wow! I also come to know that now, " I shrugged sipping on glass of water.

He stared at me and then shrugged. He nodded and looked outside the glass.


He siscussed about some business renewal ideas which were going to conduct in other countries. Personally I liked them. It seemed like he studied a lot for this. They were profitable as well as smart ideas.

He wanted to work with me in future.

We also discussed about the party next week.

It was not just a party. Sebastian said it will be a reason to meet all the business partners, friends and all the family members.

It was going to conduct three days later.


Sebastian dropped me at my office.

After two hours I decided to leave.
I submit signed files to the Caroline and drove to the house.

As soon as I entered in the room I stripped out of my clothes and went in the shower. Turning the hot water on I sighed as it touched my scalp.

After too much thinking and almost one hour shower I stood up in front of the mirror.

I looked at my body. Scars. It reminded me of that day.

Then suddenly Sebastian's face came in my mind. What will he think of me if he looked at those scars. Not one, not two, but fourteen.

What if he came to know about m past.

I don't deserve him.

I really don't.

He is so different and a real man from any other man.

I don't deserve any admiration, adoration and care he is showing to me. And most of all his respect.

'Ohhh! Shut the fuck up! You deserve him. It was not your fault and never will be. Its his decision to like you or not..... ,' my subconscious scolded.


Sighing I grabbed the sleeping pill. I made my way towards the bed. Taking the water bottle I gulped down a pill. Chucking under the blanket I drifted off to the sleep..

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