𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐰𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧

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A moment's hesitation costs a thousand sleepless nights,

Pay the debt with bleeding hands you'll willfully give.

. . .

[ also known as Puppy ]

Male + Bisexual + 23 years old

| Appearance |

Korean-American. Light and fluffy hair that curls behind the ears, bleached an extreme-white with pink hints. Wispy bangs cover coal black eyes that hide behind gold-saturated contact lens. Fit and muscular, veins pop from his wrists and throat, abs cleanly wrapped by his shirt and thick thighs. He stands at a stable 6'0, and wears a Cheshire's smile like an unconscious thought, or a shield.

| Personality |

Catty grins and curved eyes, he exudes an aura of a thoughtless fool. Reckless and daring, he pushes the limits of his body with no intention of holding back, laughing off injuries whimsically. He flies through the streets with wanton abandon, abusing his knowledge of parkour to travel the world outside of what is commonly trod. 

But with all of this, he stops on a dime to help a woman carry her groceries. Give an old man CPR that leaves his arms burning from chest compressions. Place a baby bird back into its nest and watch it fly away. It never takes more than a glance to set him off to aid someone, no hesitation or calculation, he just moves, and deals with any consequences afterwards.

He finds his world in the wind that nearly knocks him off of tall towers, in the smiles of those that he lent a hand for, taking naps under the shade of a tree on a windy, sunny day, and the fast friends he makes during the city at night, joining them for fun and laughter, and waving goodbye with a filled heart, whether or not they remember the next day at all.

He lived his life satisfied and grateful for the things he had, and even though some of it was tough, it couldn't get rid of the smile on his face.

| Backstory |

Mordred lives in the central of the bustling city of Shibuya, Japan. Traveling abroad from New York to live with his sweet grandma, Lynn, after his parents divorced from bankruptcy, and could no longer afford him. In a two bed apartment, located high up in a complex, he comes home at odd hours to find an extra meal in the fridge for him, a note on the table with a heart and 'love you forevermore' signed at the bottom.

Years ago, in elementary, Mordred was incredibly indecisive. Worried for either option, he lived his life on a scale that weighted the pros and cons, unable to clearly empathize with others like any other child.

At this time, he saw a kitten on the sidewalk. Black, white, and orange spots, its colors cut against the gray of the pavement, and caught his eye to the oncoming situation. The kitten fell into the street, eyes unblinking and stuck together from an early birth and eye defects, perhaps, and wandered slowly out into the street.

His feet were rooted to his spot, watching as the seconds ticked on. But when the dread finally started to build, the twitch in his legs to run and do something, he took one meager step, and watched a car's tire bloody the ground in a long, crimson, streak.

That night, his parents comforted him as he sobbed into his sheets, unable to accept how useless he was. How close he was to saving them, and not doing anything. The red stain painted his nightmares, but it urged something inside of him.

He would no longer think when he saw someone in need.

He wouldn't let himself stand back.

He would be there, for anyone that needed him.

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