Takeshi Shouhei ~ Fantasy Monster

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[Theme Song: "Broken Bones" by CRX]

NAME -- Shouhei, Takeshi (last, first)
NAME MEANING -- 武 (take) meaning "military, martial"; 翔 (shou) meaning "soar, glide" and 平 (hei) meaning "level, even, peaceful."
NICKNAME -- Take-chan

DOCUMENTED -- Snake Species

Deodands are humanoids which look like handsome, muscular, human men. They are a mixture of a Basilisk, Wolverine, and man. Their TRUE form casts away their human looks to a "dead black lustreless skin and long slitted eyes," looking as if an oversized werewolf had been scorched into charcoal. Long upper and lower fangs passing over wolf-like jowls and deep eye sockets with crimson irises and slitted pupils hidden inside. They are strong, murderous, and carnivorous creatures that love to hunt their prey, but can be killed with offensive spells, which they fear.

These beast are outlawed in all states, as they lust for death and the pain of others. Other outlawed species are demon-like monsters like vampires, werewolves, sirens and alike. If you know you don't have the skill to kill them, evade their sights.

BIRTHDAY -- April 26th, year XXXX
Element -- Earth: practicality; caution; material world

ETHNICITY -- Japanese
AGE -- (19 thru 21)
HEIGHT -- 5'9 (175.26 cm)

SEXUALITY -- Doesn't matter
SEX & GENDER -- male


Takeshi, or Take-chan from his childhood friend, has a very fair, light skin tone. His eyes are narrow and the black slits of his pupil almost merges with the dull hue of golden Burgundy in his iris.

He has three noticeable beauty marks on his face: under his left eyebrow at the back tip, under his bottom lip to the right halfway to the chin, and the last below the center of his right eye [you can see two of them on the pictures].

His fingernails are consistently filed down (for reasons he won't say) and though he doesn't actively show it, his tongue splits in half like a serpent -- and he can control it quite well (snake abilities and charm, I guess).

SPECIES ABILITIES (in human form) --

His kiss is lightly poisoned with the incapacitating agent flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), or otherwise known as Roofies. Not only that, but it is also mixed with an actual poison, however slight, and can churn you stomach painfully for a minute (unless you continue kissing). Because of this ability, his teeth are almost as sharp as a vampire's. (Unless in his true form... Then it's like a sabertooth tiger's).

His nails are made of bone (his nail file was specifically made for him) and are naturally stronger and sharper if let grown out.

Since he is part Basilisk, he uses his tongue to detect hidden presences and heat signatures, as his eyes are that of a normal human's (and a little worse).

Also from the snake side, he has the power of slight manipulation of the mind, and small hallucinations like an after image, colors, and smells.

From the Wolverine spectrum, he has enhanced strength, stamina (that was lacking on his snake side), and dexterity -- though not too overpowered. Everything that involves the body, the Wolverine DNA had increased, except for speed and agility (that was his snake side's work).

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