**tHis iS moRe LiKe aN: "oH diS iS mAh oPiNioN" iNFo tHinGy raTHeR tHaN a rAnT**
Ok- so beginning with Blackfoot the character. . . I neither dislike or support the character and I have no comments or opinions on whether I support their actions or not. Blackfoot's novella was very helpful though, providing different perspective views even though it didn't include struggles to attain the leader status (only memories and interactions with his life-providers and regrets over his past).
I think character development like the form Blackfoot underwent was very creative (there's credit for the author). (I also credit the authors for the characters I loathe because we need those opinions on characters in stories. They usually originate from the author's creativity for stories itself, so none of the aversion should be personal to the authors).
I like the idea of a (not exactly brainwashed but I can't think of a better word) cat who blindly followed more than one evil leader through everything without even faltering. It was almost like Bristlefrost's case, but Blackfoot wound up tangled in much more serious actions because the case in the recent bRoKeN coDe arc was very different where the leader was concerned.
Anyways, the Blackfoot arc brought me back to the early times of the warrior clans ("the prophecies begin" and before) so I had some time to contemplate my opinions. **getting straight into it with no transitions**- mAn diS iS gOnNa bE a sHoRT "rAnT"
I definitely disagreed with Brokenstar's practice of sending (well, foRCinG) underage kits into battle, killing them. But I wonder; was training them early really also such an atrocity? Sandstorm had prepared Thunderclan kits for Bloodclan's invasion when they had an inkling for that (things are worse when you can't predict them). I mean oKkKkKk, Blackfoot's recount included two apprentices perishing during training sessions, but they could die by simply existing inside the clan's nursery as well, right?
Any cat can die anywhere (no matter where they are) from whatever reasons (although the youngest are most vulnerable). Briarkit would've fallen with a snake bite if Honeyfern hadn't intervened. Then Briarlight herself met a fate inside camp due to a falling tree. The confines of a clan camp aren't always safe & sanctuary. Actual battles and risky events can be avoided though (because of age & size gap).
Kits are bored and eager enough already; why not allow their first 6 moons to be more meaningful? The experience could come in handy if something unexpected meets them in the safest depths of their nursery aS beFoRe hiNTeD aT. Their attitude shouldn't be wasted (although it usually evolves into devotion when apprenticehood finally arrives) and not many are problematic cats (or poor ones experiencing confidence tanks).
yA might think that the thought of having learned a lot (just as a delusion without mastering anything) might provide kits with enough fake & giddy confidence to enter a battle like a fleabrain, but kits who've never trained might also do the same (*cOuGh cOuGh* the litterkiTTeRmates who chased a fox in "tHe pOwER oF tHReE"). This is very unlikely to happen, but the humbling knowledge of how tough training can be may even knock enough into kits to make them refrain from battle.
Over all, there is no much loss as long as evident risks aren't forced upon the kits. WHAT AM I SAYING???!?!? The gain increase isn't high, but it is slightly higher than the decrease, so it might even be worth it, depending on everything else. (I am not supporting his actions but the apprentice & kit friendship he formed with Blackfoot was quite wholesome.) *siGh* if only Brokenstar didn't grow up to be such an abomination, and if only he weren't a curse sent from Starclan to punish Yellowfang that ended up as a target vessel for Lizardstripe's spite. It almost made Blackfoot's loyalty sad/bittersweet, but it wasn't insight on the transferral to Tigerclaw (or the cOmPaRiSoN of the two). raGGeDsTaR & bLaCkFoOT tRuSTeD hiM-
I have no idea what my argument is aTp- I just wanted to post a rant after finishing the novella :)
(Also, someone explain why the lives of Yellowfang, Bluefur, Crookedjaw, and Talltail were so haRd- add Ravenpaw, Violetshine, & Shadowsight)
**I think early Blackfoot was like a brainless Bristlefrost that didn't realize he should stop because there was no imposter XD**
rants for the warrior cats series
Randommy thoughts and opinions on the series will be updated here