tHis rAnT iS LiKe wAyYyYYyYyYy oVeRdUe- i hAd tHe iNTeNTioN tO wRiTe diS rAnT (aNd zE iDeA) iN LiKe MARCH 2021- iD eVeN wRiTTeN rAnTs oN COMMENTS buT neVeR cAmE aRoUnD tO tYpiNG aN "oFFiCiaL" dOc/pOsT rAnT- sO heRe iT iS
At first, ranting was just LeTTinG tHoSe oPiNioNs oUt- But eventually, I'd ended up tying those rants mY wAy on text (or ig wattpad comments for the over a yr ago-) instead of documenting them on gOoGLe dOcS. Then I began to make it an assignment for myself to transfer the rant into a legible format, and I NEVER do my assignments. (II made ranting more like work instead of a fun outlet for myself for wattpad LOL-)
IDK if it's just mEeEeEe, but I find certain warriors books fast-paced and others slow-paced. I think it has to do with the amount of events that happens in each book and the amount of depth each receives. For example, the 1st, 4th, and 6th book of the DOTC arc seemed quick and eventful while the same couldn't be said for the 2nd, 3rd (tHe fiRsT baTTLe ROFL- only the ending), and 5th book. Slow was the entire 3rd arc and all the books except for the final one in the 4th arc and then #1 & #3 for the vision of shadows- nO moRe eXaMpLeS
The ending for the 6th book of DOTC was very anticlimactic in my opinion.. Gray Wing, who has been depicted as a strong and persevering hero suddenly falls gravely ill to the asthma that has been plaguing him since the 2nd book, from his struggles with tuRTLe tAiL's kits to his runs. It's acceptable as a plotpoint and a setback, but the progression from the minor weakness to feebleness and ultimate death was just too abrupt (in the 6th book) in my opinion. In fact, he depends on Clear Sky to rescue his kit. It also sucks because, this time, Clear Sky's good deeds can't be interpreted with ill will at all. No matter what I try to do, I can't refute it.
As a cat who planned strategic battles (offstage) for battles w/ opponents like One-eye, Clear Sky, & Slash (with the occasional looking into the sun in the sky and drawing sand arcs mentioned), his *oNLy* a meager determination to stay alive at the end just to make sure BlackEar made it home safely did not meet up with how he lived. (You might think that staying alive while ill-at-the-terminal is heroic, loving, and much more challenging than I am perceiving, BUT II STILL WANTED MORE-)
It was definitely not one of those "hE dieD aS hE LiVeD" things. To me, Gray Wing seemed more like a warrior than a father; the only reason he'd even seemed like a lot of a "father" was because he was compared to Clear Sky. All he did was remain in the cold, straining and refusing to walk away, and then finally allow himself to rest once his mind was put to rest w/ reassurance. It's easier to force yourself to stay in a hard situation you're already in than to walk into one, just like it's easier to not do something bad than to do something good (in my opinion).
Also, the ending for Slash pissssed meh off. It was a very minimal closure for a character that seemed like a big deal in the 5th and 6th book that ruffled even gRaY wiNG's fur. Even Sol's abrupt and unfinished ending seemed less unexpected and infuriating. He just ran away after one of his henchcats dropped Black Ear in the middle of the Thunderpath and never appeared again. Even SOL had an empty threat to leave behind~
For a Clear Sky hater like mEh, it really sucks to have an undeniably virtuous action from Clear Sky. If Gray Wing had replaced him it would've not only meant more for him, but meant less for Clear Sky- his screwed up brother. Clear Sky even crunched up his tail for that. I've already previously made it clear how much I despise Clear Sky and his new kits with sTaRfLoWeR. I don't think he deserved that chance to redeem himself as a father, even though he got it and ate it up leaving no crumbs. (I wish he had died alongside his brother by biting off more than he could chew, leaving a grief-stricken whiny Starflower and finding a new leader for Skyclan as the first leader to perish).
I remember Thunder saving Clear Sky from some predator amid a snowstorm or something (forgive my spotty memory after years of having read the book and having this rant idea, but I found this point on one of the comments I screenshotted leaving). Therefore, Clear Sky didn't also need that SINGLE father's redemption of saving Thunder from the battle w/ Slash (in the 6th book) like he needed a brotherly redemption with his brother's kits that might've thanked him for an entire kithood of looking after his kit.
IG this is it to this rant, either because I forgot everything after 400 days or because there was never much to it *and the procrastination and intermittent reminders to finish this along the way HYPED IT UP*
rants for the warrior cats series
De Todomy thoughts and opinions on the series will be updated here