Chapter 2

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"Do you want to know what school your going to?" Mum asks gesturing to the sofa in front of her. Adrian and I sat down and Mum opened the folder taking out two bright blue papers and handing us one each.

"Asherson? But that's a massive school" Adrian said. Adrian was in his second year of secondary school this year, wether I was in my fourth. Our old school, East-West High, only had about 400 students in it, Asherson, one of the brightest and well known schools in England, had over 3000 people.

"It is a good school though, you will get the education that you need for a strong and successful life. But it isn't up the road like the old one was" Mum said taking a seat herself.

"Asherson is about a one and a half hour bus drive from here, you two will have to take the bus, which means getting up at half six, catching the bus at ten to seven and getting to school by about eight thirty. Are we clear?" She explained taking back the blue sheets. Adrian and I exchange worried looks.

"But Mum! I had trouble waking up eight forty five! I can not wake this early every day" Adrian exclaimed standing up off of the sofa. Mum lost her smile and looked down a little. Adrian walked out, upstairs and into his bedroom and I went over to Mum.

"Don't worry, he is just tired after the trip, we'll be fine" I half whispered to Mum hugging her rubbing her back to comfort her. She hugged back and sighed, I can see how stressed she is about this, I can't really blame her, I would be too if I just made my kids move six hours away from their friends without contact, but as an adult and having to have a well paying job, I can see why we did move.

"At least one child doesn't hate me" Mum said backing away. She smiled at me and I let her get up. She walked over to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water and took a sip. I smiled at her and walk back up into my bedroom.

I had my trunk and a small box filled with clothes, and three boxes filled with little bits and bobs, games and other things in my bedroom for me to sort out and set up. I pushed my clothes over to my wardrobe on the other side of my bedroom and opened one of the boxes that contained my T.V and Xbox, PlayStation and gaming things. I put my T.V on the stand that I used to use in our old house and plugged it in, setting up my Xbox and PlayStation with it.

* Over 1 month later*

Over the time we have been here, we have all set up our bedrooms, we all know where the food is hidden in the kitchen, and the living room has been set up with a big T.V and new sofa! And over all, the place felt like home now.

It is quickly coming up to September and school was getting closer and closer. Adrian and I had started waking up earlier to try and get ready for the new bus routine. I think I'm doing pretty well if I may say so myself.

Mum has already started her new job here and left us alone at home to 'work' aka be lazy and play video games until five minutes before she gets home in which we quickly clean up and pretend we are doing something productive.

Adrian and I have gotten our school uniforms and have gotten most of our school books. I have just been thinking about how we are supposed to fit all the school books into one of the school lockers, I don't know how big they are but if they are the size of East West's lockers, all my books would definitely not fit into the locker.

I have gotten the chance to walk around the neighbourhood a couple times. I've found out that the play ground has been graffitied many times, also that it is infact right next to a football club where they train every Wednesday and Thursday night from about five in the afternoon to around ten at night.

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