Chapter 4

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"Well, at least your not gay" mum said in relief leaning on the wall as I laughed like I had just heard that a chicken gave birth to a cow and scuttled away into my room locking my door and flattening myself onto my bed.

After laying face down in a pile of pillows for ten minutes I decide to do something other than lay there. I rolled off bed and stumbled over to the boxes int the corner of my room and took out a box cutter and the one open. This one had all my jeans and hoodies in it so they could just be shoved into my wardrobe.

I heard a light tap on my door as I was trying to close the draw of my dresser and mum poked her head in the crack. I stopped what I was doing and walked up to the door as she began to speak.

"Dinner is ready darling, came down when your ready" she said closing the door. I could tell the whole big secret thing was on mums mind by the way she spoke to me. I used to just pretend she didn't exist when she talked about it so that is what I'll do now.

I picked up my phone from my bed side table and put it in my pocket as i patterned down stairs to the dining table where mum and Adrian were talking about something but had not yet heard me. I as quietly as I could backed out of sight and listened into what they were talking about.

Turns out they were talking about the bus ride so I had no reason to hide in this conversation so I came around the corner and sat down i front of my plate of salad and chicken fillets.

The conversation on bus rides continued until Adrian finished and got up to make ice cream for us all. As he turned the corner mum looked me in the eye and practically whispered,

"So what is this big secret huh?" She said leaving over her food with a half angry expression. Me still with a mouthful of food tried to talk but ended up spitting food everywhere and stopped after half a second of speaking to finish my food.

"It is just some joke me and Adrian have about this girl I kissed last year, it isn't really a secret, you've heard the story" I told mum calmly. Adrian had come up with the idea of that story when I fist told him, he knew we needed a story to back us up if mum ever heard anything, so we made up the story of "when I kissed Alice when I asked her out" Alice was in on it, Jack and Finn were in on it, and Adrian was in on it. Wow that is a lot of people protecting me from my own mother.

"Oh, well in that case, I brought you this" mum said cheerfully pulling out a paper bag from under her chair I somehow missed when I snuck in. I took the bag smiling slightly to make it look like I wasn't nervous.

I opened the bag to find a small blue box with black detailing around the edges with thick bold writing in the middle reading B<T>M. The little blue box contained a bracelet made out of fabric that almost every guy at school has. Each one is unique and they are all one of a kind, hand crafted, sent all the way from Australia and all.

I smiled brightly taking the box out the bag glancing up at mum receiving her bowl of ice cream from Adrian. I opened the box to see a black bracelet with red and purple writing saying - living again - in fancy writing. Adrian placed my bowl in front of me, walking away mumbling about how he didn't get anything but I did.

"Thanks mum, I love it, how much did it cost you?" I asked her. She smiled and looked down to her ice cream picking up the spoon.
"It was just over £105, I had a choice wether it came in that box or a "hand painted plastic pocket" but I thought the box could come in handy to put little things in so I put in that little bit extra, plus the postage was a bit much" she said hand quoting the "hand painted plastic pocket" bit.

"How come Dan gets everything and I get nothing?" Adrian said crossing his arms leaning back on his chair. A giggle escapes my mouth as I scoop some of the vanilla flavoured ice cream.

"Dan has been asking for one of these bracelets for just over a year now, but Adrain I got you that video game last week" mum said.
"Mum that game was rated age 7 to 9, if you haven't noticed I'm 14?" Adrian said grumpily finishing his ice cream and leaving the table and entering the kitchen.

"Hey hey hey you asked for that one mister" mum said standing up with her empty dish as well. I presume Adrian will be doing the dishes tonight so I quickly finish the rest of my dessert and drop my bowl into the sink.

It was 23:49 (11:49pm) when I realised what time it was after watching anime for five hours. I quickly turned off the T.V and put my phone on charge before I crashed my head on the pillow hoping I would fall asleep the second it did as I still needed to get up for school in 6 and a bit hours.

After what I remember it to be- about twenty minutes after lights out for me I was asleep and awoke again to the dreadful sound of my phone alarm buzzing loudly next to my head.

I groaned turning it off and sitting up into the again freezing room that I slept in. I took a clean uniform and and other needed things and made my way to the bathroom. Finishing like yesterday with me and Adrian waiting at the bus stop with wet hair at 7 am.

Before we knew it we were on the bus again slowly being surrounded by the same idiots as yesterday. The girls making out behind me, angry guy in front of me but this time the idiot with the water gun was shooting spit balls at the side of my head the whole hour and a half ride to school.

When we arrived to hell it was starting to warm up a bit so it was a lot easier to move than it would have on a cold day. I trotted up the brick steps into the schools front gardens and entered through the large glass doors into the corridor lined with lockers.

Finding locker 163 was easier now after a day of searching through mountains of smelly teenagers. I took out my books for sociology class and made my way to home room saying good morning to a tired Louise on the way.

I entered home room with the group of people I did yesterday and sat down at the table on the far left, second to the front. I took out my reading book- Delia Smith the biography, flipping to the page I was last on and continued reading until 10 minutes later the bell went again signalling first class- for me, sociology.

I speed walked to the room to make sure I meet Phil so we can sit together but I sore something that surprised me. Phil was with a big group of people, walking down the hall, laughing loudly and obnoxiously. My jaw almost dropped when I sore Phil walking in the middle of them with messy hair, tears in his eyes and uniform crinkled beyond what it is normally.

The teacher let us in and Phil and his group followed in behind me still laughing about something that didn't seem to be as funny as they were making it. Phil and my eyes locked for a second as he took a try to move out of the middle of them. One of they guys stopped laughing and grabbed Phil by the shoulder making my heart drop in fear of Phil's safety. Phil let out a whimper as the guy pushed him forcefully into a chair where a different angry guy sat down next to him. bloody jocks.

At the end of class, since Louise wasn't there to give me advice, I followed my gut and walked up to the group and tapped on the closest guys shoulder. It was strange as as soon as I touched him everyone stopped laughing like where I had touched was some sort of mute button. Phil poked his head out of the group the lightest bit.

"Do you want something?" One of the guys said turning to face me.
"I was wondering if I could talk to Phil" I said trying to make my voice deeper so that I didn't look weak. They snorted and started laughing again.
"I'm being serious" I said again making them all stop laughing again.
"You really think? That you? Could be friends with us?" The same guy said standing above me with his chest puffed out like a bird.
"Okay first, I wanted to talk to Phil, and two, EW gross, why would I want to be friends with ass holes like you?" I said but regretted the second they all looked at me with death in their eyes.
"Screw off Howell" said someone from the back of them all stepping out so I could see their face.


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