Chapter 16

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Sitting on our sofa was in real life, Dad.

He didn't look anything like he did in the dream. He was wearing a medium grey hoodie

that was completely clean and also clean jeans. His hair was only slightly messy and but otherwise the ear length brushed back hair looked average to normal people.

Though, above what he looked like I was internally panicking because this man hurt my family for years and now he is back to haunt us. I looked towards Mum and she was patting the sofa chair's arm the was next to the sofa she was on.

I walked around Mum's legs mot taking my eyes of Dad. Even though he looked different

in every aspect, I did not trust him with a breath of air in my house without me watching him. I slowly sat down in the sofa chair and flicked my eyes at Mum.

"Dan, Adrian" She said. Adrian was sitting in the chair closest to the door. His eyes kept flicking around the room from person to person. My eyes were doing the same. I looked at Dad for a few seconds before glancing at Adrian before directing some of my attention to Mum as she began to speak. My eyes were fluttering back from Dad to Mum.

"This is James. He is Dad's brother. He lives a few houses down" Mum said. Adrian was texting on his phone frantically. I kind of hoped he wasn't telling anyone to call the police because I'm one to believe everyone has a chance to prove their worthiness.

"That's great Mum but can I please go back to my bedroom?" Adrian asked and stood up. Mum tried to ask him to stay but Adrian interrupted.

"Why did we have to come down and meet him anyway? I'm pretty sure Dan and I know and understand that you very much love Dad but I'm going to be honest to you Mum, we don't really like him that much. And no offence James but even if you are a good guy, it's been ages since we've had to deal with you family, and I'm pretty sure we would like that ages to be just a bit longer thanks." Adrian said, leaving the room.

Mum looked at me and I looked back at her stunned. I didn't know what to do or what to say. I didn't know how she felt and I didn't know if I should leave or stay. I didn't know if I should apologise to anyone on his be-half, I didn't know what to do in the slightest. I stayed still looking silently back and forth between Mum and James.

Mum looked at me and whispered-

"You can go" - and I walked back out of the room without a word and walked into the stair way and up, into my bedroom. I had no idea what to do. I could hear very quietly Adrian crying in his bedroom and that really hurt me.

I took in a deep breath and walked over to my window, opening it, walking out onto the roof outside my widow. The sun was going in and out of the clouds. It wasn't a bad day but that was probably because Summer was only just coming to an end.

I sat down on the tin roof-top and exhaled. I picked up my phone and dialled Phil's number. after a few rings it went quiet and with a bit of static sound a Phil asked-

"Hello?" Phil asked.

"Hey Phil, it's Dan" I said

"Oh, hi Dan. Sorry my phone doesn't show contacts when people call"

"It's fine" I said flatly.

"What's wrong?"

"You know how I told you about my Dad?" I asked, my voice still quiet.


"It's not him exactly but for some reason I've only just found out Dad has a brother and that brother happens to live a few houses down from us. He is in our lounge as we speak" I explained. It was silent for a second before Phil replied.

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