Chapter 6

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"I know a quiet place here where nobody goes, we can talk about this there instead of here where they could find and where people could hear us" Phil said flicking his head up to the passage way out of the library's lounge.

I followed Phil out of the library, through the corridors, up the stairs to the third floor, through the crowds to the year 12 block. we were in year 11 so this was a bit ahead of my game but being with Phil helped me keep going. We walked left down another corridor and entered one of the classrooms used for film watching and walked to the back of it where there was a thin door behind the pull down projector screen and chalk board. Phil took out a key chain with about 20 keys on it and chose a key, then unlocked the door, looking behind us and then towards the corner of the classroom where a small security camera was set up. He smiled and waved behind us, probably towards the camera and opened the door to a narrow hall way that had many corners by the looks of it.

Phil walked in first and held out his hand again. I looked up at his face which was smiling brightly for the first time today. I took his hand and closed the door behind us. He lead me through the corners and bends and the few stairs here and there, passing locked doors that Phil had a quick fiddle with on the way.

We both sighed (me because this took so long and used so much effort to get here but Phil's sigh was more content or of relief than mine was) as Phil took out the same key he used in the other doors and rolled it in the lock above the handle of the brown and faded green door.

Phil fiddled with the key in the door and happened to unlock it. Opening the door we came into a not massive but not small room with a sofa in front of a wall filled with posters, a mini fridge and TV inside.

"So?" Phil said letting go of my hand. My eyes wonder the room ignoring how cold my hand felt without Phil's fingers intertwined with mine. All the walls were brown bricks add a few band posters here and there and the ceiling was concrete with panel lighting hanging off of it, the floor was cement with rugs scattered everywhere to cover most of it up and the furniture in here was the one thing that blew my mind. I mean how the hell did they fit a sofa and a mini fridge in when two people couldn't walk side by side in that hallway.

"Phil, oh my god" I said speechless walking over to the poster scattered wall with Phil following close behind. There were a few bands I knew on this wall, I knew green day, I knew fall out boy and a couple others, but there was one large one in the middle that had a strange looking pattern on it with 'MUSE' reading across it, haven't heard of that one.

"Do you like any of these?" Phil asked standing beside me staring at the posters as well.

" I like a couple of them... Who are they?" I ask Phil, pointing at the Muse poster as he turns and looks at me like I just asked him how to breathe.

"Like, the best band ever? Hold on" he said, turning away from me and walking over to the draws in the corner. I followed him and he pulled out a record with the same pattern on the cover.

"Have you literally never heard of Muse?" Phil asks getting up and walking past me to a shelf with a player on it.

"Wouldn't people be able to hear us?" I ask as he places the record in the slot. He laughs and looks up at me.

"No, this room is sound proof, it's been tested plenty of times, mainly by when they used to smash drums but unless your right outside the door, you can't hear a thing from this room anywhere else" Phil says giggling again like I asked a really really stupid question that everyone in the world knows the answer except me.

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