Chapter 13

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I walked down the stairs to the lounge and kitchen to be greeted with Mum. I smiled at her and walked up to give her a hug as quietly we could hear the shower tun on again upstairs, Adrian.

"What are you doing up so early Mum?" I said backing away from the hug and straightening Phil's uniform.

"I thought I would level up slightly as a parent and drive you to school. My phone has a GPS so I know where we are going, is that okay?" Mum said picking up her coffee from the kitchen counter. I nodded and walked past her and dived into the cereal collection. I pulled out a cereal called Crunchy Nut and took a bowl out with the milk from the fridge.

"So because I'm dropping you off it wont take as long to get to school as it would taking the bus so we wont leave until around quarter past seven do you think?" Mum said as i was pouring the milk into the cereal filled bowl.

"Yeah. Are you going to tell him or am I going to?" I ask Mum motioning to the upstairs bathroom where my brother was mid- shower. Mum shrugged her shoulders and walked over to the TV, retrieving the remote from the coffee table and flicking it on. The channel 3 news was on and talking about weather.

"And locally today it is eight degrees, snow coming next week with on and off rain throughout this week so make sure your umbrellas are by the door it is going to be that kind of week. Such a turn from last week with seventeen degree heat" The weather lady went on.

"I'm going back to my bedroom, call me out if you need anything or when we are going to leave" I said walking towards the stairs.

"Daniel, before you go can I tell you something?" Mum asked as I was on the forth step. I peeped my head around the corner to see her face.

"You have been talking about this Phil friend of yours a little bit and because you went there this weekend maybe Phil can come here?" She said.

"Yeah Mum, I'll ask him" I said smiling because I turned the corner back to the stairs. I would love for Phil to come here but ~

1. Adrian will take the piss out of me for bringing over a guy that pretty much is my mirror and

2. He will 100% pick up on your relationship. He even asked about it last Wednesday on the bus on the way to school. The fucking snoop.

              Mum walked into my bedroom and passed my a brown paper bag that had "food" in it. "Food" meaning money for food. I took all my things I needed and shoved them into my school bag and set off downstairs, locking the door behind me as Adrian and Mum waited in he car so it was warm when I got there.

The drive pretty much just consisted of music from the BBC and Mum talking on the phone while Adrian and I talked about school. The drive was cut in half time wise because even though we left the house quarter past 7 we got to school about ten minutes past 8. That is really early.

After the whole awkward 'come here let me give you a kiss on the cheek' thing parents do, I walked into school making my way to the locker bays. At this time of morning it is really empty and so instead of weaving between fifty thousand people to get to the lockers it was like just walking past a couple people every once and a while.

I unlocked my locker and took out my books to first class. Because I had so much time on my hands before the first bell to first class went I decided to make my way to the library and have a stroll through all the books. The library was just next to the boys locker bay so I walked past a few isles of lockers and walked down one with an exit to the library corridor.

I looked through the windows in the double doors to the library and I jumped out of my skin when a teacher scooted me to the side. I stumble back a little bit and apologies to the lady as she unlocked the doors.

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