chapter 7

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"Your beautiful Dan" Phil says out of nowhere and I smile hiding the gilt inside as I pull him into a hug before the next song starts and we both jump when it changes over to unnatural selection started playing loudly.

We giggle a little as we start swaying our hips and moving our arms to the music as we just enjoy each others company without having to worry about people thinking we are weird. That is the really good thing about us, we can be ourselves without judgement.

After a few songs and some really terrible dancing we sit down and catch our breath as the record runs out of songs. After catching our breaths we glance at each other and burst into laughter.

"Phil this has honestly been the most fun I've had in a very very long time" I said looking up at Phil while he stood up and walked over to the mini fridge. Phil opened it and turned round with things in his hands.

"I'm hungry so do you want donuts or cupcakes with sprinkles?" Phil asked me holding out two plastic containers with the treats in them from the fridge.

I stand up and walk over to Phil and look down at the food he is holding out.

The cupcakes were mini with rainbow sprinkles and rice paper fairy decorations on top, they looked very appealing but the donuts were glazed with pink, yellow and brown glaze, probably strawberry, chocolate and banana. I shrugged my shoulders before looking up at Phil. He does the same and turns around and puts the donuts back into the mini fridge nudges me towards the sofa.

I plonk down onto the white (turned grey) sofa just as Phil does next to me. Phil must have sat down a bit roughly because the cupcakes bounced in their container putting the icing and decorations on the top piece of the clear plastic container.

"Aww Phil, now we won't have as much icing now! good going" I laugh shoving him lightly with my shoulder. His response was a concealed giggle as he peeled the sticker keeping the plastic together off so that we could eat the little treats.

He passes me one and as I bite into it. I find that the small cake has been cream filled with a tasty sweet vanilla dripped cream. It was amazing but once finished my tiny cake and looked over to Phil, he has cream on his nose and was trying to lick it off to no avail.

"Do you need some help?" I asked Phil giggling and moving closer so him. Phil nodded and I used my thumb to wipe the cream off his nose and licked the cream off my thumb looking Phil right in the eyes as I did so. After a little giggle escapes from him he points at me.

"Dan you have cream on your mouth" Phil says taking is finger and wiping the cream off my mouth and licking his fingers and wiping his mouth afterwards with the back of his hand. Is he trying to flirt by being all touchy or is it because I touched him?

"Do you have the time on you?" Phil asks me and I look down to my phone as I take it out of my pocket. It was 5 minutes until home bell went.

"It's probably about time to get out of here, the bell goes in like two minutes" I said standing up off the sofa. I exaggerated a little because i want to get out before the rest of the school does.

Phil sighed and got up too, talking the cupcake packet with two missing to put back in the mini fridge. I stood next to the stairs up to the door of the room and waited for Phil to look back. However he didn't, he put the cupcakes into the mini fridge and put the top of his head on the wall and looked to the ground.

"Phil?" I asked while he whispered a whimper. I understand the whole boyfriend thing but he can't be this upset because of it. I walked up to him and laced my hands around his waist from behind like a just married couple would do. I don't know why I did it, i just wanted to calm him down because I could tell he was about to cry.

"D-Dan, they threatened me, they said they would hurt me if i was gay, they kicked me in the tummy and made me not leave their side. I guess so they knew I wasn't making out with any guys..." Phil whispered under his breath and I sat my head on his shoulder.

"Phil? I know the guys and your boyfriend is upsetting right now but please can we just go? Get some fresh air before we are surrounded by idiots, it'll be good for you" I said hugging his waist tighter. He wiggled out of my grasp and started making his way up the stairs to the door.

"Well are you coming?" Phil asks me resting his hand on the door knob. I sighed and walked up the stairs and out the door that Phil was holding open for me.

Did I make him mad? Did i say something wrong? Was id because I hugged him that way? Oh fuck, now i feel like I make him upset. I probably did... I care to much ugh.

I moved to the right so Phil could get into the narrow corridor to close the door. I began to walk forward down the passage to the doorway out into the classroom but was stopped b y Phil when I completely walked into him as he hadn't started walking yet. Stunned, I take a step backward and look p into Phil's slightly puffy eyes.

"Do you want to hold my hand like when we came in here?" Phil asked innocently. So I don't think he is mad at me. I took his hand and intertwined our fingers this time. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty sure I saw him blush when I did that. Even though I can see he is still upset about whatever was upset about before, that blush and tiny smile made me know he is okay.

I followed Phil through the passage to the classroom door. He put his head up to the door and fell even more silent than the walk from his door to here. I guess he was making sure there wasn't a class in the room. Wow, that would be dreadful, walking though that door to see a room filled with students that had no idea that door was even able to move.

Phil must haven't heard anything on the other side and too out his keys to unlock the door. A few seconds later we were squeezing through the door into the empty room.

Once we were out Phil re-locked the door and with our hands still interlocked we walked shamelessly out of the classroom. Even though we took a while in 'the room', somehow we still make our way out before everyone else had. Phil and I walked down the school corridor between the classrooms and made our way back down to the lockers. The bell went when we were about 30 seconds away from locker room the home bell went and everyone stampeded out everywhere. Without thinking, Phil and I were still holding hands so when the guys Phil was with earlier showed up, they didn't see the hand holding the way we did.

"OUI FAGGS!!" Yelled Sam from behind us. At that moment I remembered our hands were still linked. I noticed Phil glanced behind us in Sam's general direction and I tried to pull our hands apart for both our well beings but Phil held on tighter and wouldn't let me take my hand away.

I mouthed to him 'let go' but he shook his head. and stopped in the middle of the walkway. "Oh, two faggots we have now do we?" I heard someone behind us say. Wow they caught up to us quick.

Phil let go of my hand and turned around to face the group behind us. I followed but was taken out of my way by a blow to the stomach. I bend over to block my gut from another hit but instead Phil leans down above me and whispers in my ear, "I'm so sorry Dan, please forgive me" was all I could hear before i was given a kick to the shins and that sent me backwards onto the ground in pain. "Don't hold my hand again!!" I heard Phil yell and took another kick to my leg.

Next thing I know I can heard Phil being congratulated by what sounds to be Sam. I am in to much pain to open my eyes just yet, but did Phil hurt me? I feel another kick to my side and then hear their laughing get quieter beneath the the loud talk of everyone else in the locker area.

After lifting myself off the floor and onto my feet, I make my way over to my locker, Phil was at his, laughing with all the other obnoxious people.

Phil just beat me up.

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