Chapter 10

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I don't know how long it lasted, I don't really even know how I managed to not faint while it was happening. When it stopped though, We look each other in the eye and squeezed our hands together as Phil lead the way through the maze to our little room.


Home was as boring as ever. I sat on my bed and scrolled through tumblr on my laptop before my alarm for the next morning went off. As horrible as it sounds, it is not a weird thing fro me to stay up all night even when I had school the next morning. Not to mention when your thinking about the person who you have had a crush on with their lips pressed on yours, makes your mind spiral.

Tumblr is my home place where I can look at whatever I want, whenever I want and not be beat for it. I had #cute couples saved on my searches along with the average Kanye West and Pokémon tags but I had a time last night that look looked up gay cute couples and just loved what I saw.

If I was another person looking at myself I wouldn't have been surprised because of how I identify but boys- more specifically Phil, has taken over my head recently. And because I was so distracted in him and myself, sleep wasn't even at the back of my mind let alone consuming me.

I got up and took my clothes from my dresser, walked down the hall and did my daily routine as usual. I walked into the bathroom, flicking on the light switch as I went and rested my clothes on the sink and turned the hot water on and went back to the mirror to get undressed and wait for the water to heat up.

After undressing I found myself looking at my body and making silent remarks towards it. Making fun on my belly sticking out ever so slightly and the way I had less to no body hair anywhere other than under my arms and... Nether regions- but to be honest what was I doing standing here just criticizing my body? What am I going to achieve?

After finishing my shower and getting dressed, having breakfast and walking up to the bus stop with my brother. The bus came a couple minutes late today, and I'm pretty sure we missed a stop or something because The annoying guy who likes to annoy me wasn't here.

I got to school and was greeted with Phil standing at my locker trying to push something between the vents in my locker door. I don't think he realized because when I said 'hey', he dropped all his books and the paper he was stuffing into my locker.

"Oh, hi Dan" Phil said bending down picking his books up from the ground, picking up the paper last. I looked at him like I had just asked a question but he shook his head and continued.

"I thought I would put a note in your locker to meet me in the third floor bathroom today in fourth class because I was planning on leaving for second and third class but since your here not only don't have to give you the note I don't have to leave!" Phil said re-ordering his books in his arms so the smallest books are on top and text books on the bottom of the pile.

"Why were you going to leave?" I ask as he steps to the left so I can get to my locker, putting in the code and getting my books.

"The note would have told you why but because you're here, I'll stay" Phil said scratching the back of his neck. I don't have a clue of an idea why he would want to skip but I hope it's not a bad thing.

"I'll go with you?" I blurted out without thinking. My grades were bad enough without having classes out but this was definitely going to lower them more if I'm caught. The bell rang through the halls signaling first class. (Talk about 'saved by the bell).

"come on then" Phil said rolling his hand around my waist and pushing me to the stairs before taking his hand away and trotting up the stairs as I closely followed behind. first class today was English, this was my third class of English but last week we had a fill in teacher because out normal teacher was away.

Phil and I sat at a desk together in the middle row but there was no table behind us so that means we can pass notes without being dobbed in by ass holes sat behind us. Phil elbowed me and I looked at him. He smiled brightly making me smile back at him.

For just friends I sure liked Phil a whole lot more than I probably should. But what about the kiss? I haven't thought about that since this morning at like 4 am. But to be honest kisses really mean nothing to me. I mean, think about all the people I practically kissed like 15 people only in just secondary school and that didn't mean anything what-so-ever.

I regained my awareness when the teacher called my name in roll. I called out here and went back to daydreaming until Phil was in the corner of my eye and then the only thing my mind was thinking of was that kiss. That stupid kiss.

Before I knew it, it was lunch and Phil and I were sitting on the grass beside the running track and the rugby field. I wasn't really concentrating on the conversation until Phil brought up exactly what I had been thinking about.

"So... about the kiss yesterday. what did you feel?" Phil asked me leaning back on his hands.

"Kisses mean nothing to me" I said telling half the truth. Usually kisses don't mean anything. But Phil is Phil, and Phil isn't like other people.

"So if I kiss you again right now, you wont care?" Phil said with a smirk. Is he actually serious? And because I'm the brain dead person I am I replied:

"not at all, go ahead, I dare you" I said with out thinking and before I knew it Phil was kissing me as I kissed back, slowly bring my arm up to his hair but he pulled away so I didn't have time to play with his gorgeous black locks.

"You still sure you didn't feel anything?" Phil asked as all I could see was white in a distance.

"You don't even know me" I answered, turning my attention back to Phil and off of the white light on the other side of the rugby pitch.

"I know you enough to know your nickname is bear" Phil laughed and I blushed as the name 'bear' came from a time long ago when things were perfect in life.

"Shut up" I giggled. Phil laughed and pulled me in again as he pressed this lips on mine. Both of us smile into the kiss and only pull away when I push off to catch my breath. I looked up to see him smiling and starting to laugh. Phil's laugh is contagious I swear because within four seconds of him laughing I join in falling off my knees onto my butt in the grass.

"I have a question for you Philip" I said after I regained my breath from laughing.

"Yes Daniel?" Phil said making me have to hold back another giggle.

"Please be my boyfriend" I say looking him right in the eye as his face lights up and he nods and climbs over me and kisses me as I lay down completely on the grass, my hands now on his chest as his hands are either side on my shoulders, holding himself up off me.

Phil got up off me after about 5 minutes of making out (may I add, without tongue) and stood up, lowering a hand to help me up. I took it gratefully and stood up next to him. I took notice of our hight difference, only by about an inch he's taller. (( A/N i know, Dan is taller than Phil but this is high school so I'm sorry I wont mention it again [maybe]))

"The bell is going to go soon Bear, we need to get our books" Phil said pecking me on the lips before taking my hand and leading me to the doors into the school building.

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