Chapter 18

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"What is big about tonight?" Asked the man.

Dr Dungrun was standing behind me and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"We are all going to a concert tonight but we are all waiting at school because we need to catch the right bus" Carrie said very convincingly. Dr Dungrun nodded and continued.

"Well the school buildings are closing now so please leave"He said rather spotlight. We all did a nerves laugh and stood up.Dr Dungrun walked away down the corridor between the lockers and classrooms, our group made our way towards the stairs. The moment we stepped onto the first step we all bolted to fourth floor and using Luke's lock hacking skills we took to the textiles rooms. 

Louise and Carrie made it there first, then Phi and I, then Luke and Emma, then Jake and Alex. Luke went up to the classroom door to pen it while the rest of us were on look-out. In my class - 110-, because we have most of the OAH group, we are told in every class on a daily basis that there are always at least one teacher in the school building on school days and Saturdays. And because it is today was school and the teachers are writing mid-year reports that will be given out in a few weeks, most teachers are in the staff room that are scattered around the school. 

Luke got into the lock and we all scuttled into the textiles room. Louise, Carrie, Phil and I took shelter under the sowing machine tables in the side of the room where you can't see the windows of the classroom and Emma, Luke, Alex and Jake hid in the changing rooms of the classroom. We decided to say in here for a few hours so that the cleaners will be on third or fourth floor when we move. 

This was going to be a really slow night. I turned to Phil and it was starting to get dark so there was a beautiful glitter effect in his eyes. I didn't want to look weird in front of Louise and hings so I didn't kiss him. But I think Phil had a different idea because climbed onto my lap, his head tilted down because of the table, he kissed me in front of everyone. 

It only lasted a couple seconds before Louise and Carrie did the girly "awwwwwwweeeeeeeeee" thing and we stopped, but instead of Phil getting off me, he he got off, turned around and then sat back on me with his back on my chest and my arms wrapped around his waist. 

We stayed like this for a while before we saw the first cleaner outside the window of he room. Cleaners generally don't go into the classrooms until Monday so we weren't worried about having anyone come into the room while we were in here. We all watched the windows, silently having little conversations about what we are all going to do when we get down to the locker bays. 

When we couldn't see any movement out side the windows of the classroom and we could hear anything but the birds and crickets from four floors below. Phil checked his phone and told us the time was 7:04. We made a collective agreement that Louise would look outside the door of the room to make sure the coast was clear before I look down into third floor corridor and then if someone is there Alex will make a detraction by jumping next to the elevator at the other side of the corridor so that the cleaner will go into the elevator and we can run onto third floor, Emma will check if anyone is on second floor and there probably wont so we will go down and start our jobs. 

Louise patted over to the door of the classroom and poked her head out. The room was silent and it didn't seem like Louise could see anyone. She motioned for us to come to the door. We all poked our heads up from under the tables and tip-toed over to the door. 

We all, move style, put our heads around the corner of the door to see for ourselves if anyone was there. We couldn't see anyone so after a push from everyone I walked out the door hesitantly and crept down over to the stairs. It wasn't that late but when the halls have no lights on and because their isn't any windows it is so dark and if I haven't mentioned, I am completely shit scared of the dark. And not to mention the wind in here the comes from nowhere whistles like a ghost and I'm about to pee.

I got to the concrete stair case and walked down and turned left before stopping and bobbing down and dropping to my hands and knees, looking just under the floor, into third floor corridor.  It was dark but I could make out each classroom door. 

I got a tap on my shoulder and fell forward a few steps. I turned to be faced with Luoise and Phil. I get out a silent breath and regained my balance. I looked down again and I could make out a figur a little bit down the hallway in third floor. 

I froze. This was such a bad idea. I can't move and something is slowing heading towards me. I can hear it moving. A light flicks on in third floor corridor and everyone stops moving. It was pointing at the stairs. I felt a hand over my mouth and it pulled me up out of view. 

We were all silent and so was the person with the light before the light was moved off of the stairs and then we heard a door open and I looked back down again, still with the hand over my mouth. I heard the wheels of the cart roll into presumably a bathroom and all the light was gone and the sound of the door closing echoed through the floors. 

Everyone stood up and walked down The stairs and we all as a group again checked second floor for anyone we didn't want to see. It looked like second floor was completely deserted so was walked down and got to work. 

We spray painted over the OAH lockers and we got into everyone's except for Mason's but we filled his with fizzy drink, (without using the crowbar) until the last one was left. We all met in the sixth row of boys lockers and crowded around locker number 447, Sam's. Alex broke into the lock with a paper clip and we opened it. 

we open it to reveal half naked women, four messy exercise books, three pens, all red, three cigarette lighters and two full boxes of cigarettes that were hidden behind a relatively large, yet only half full, box of condoms. We took them and added them do Luke's bag with the boxes from the other lockers. Not that they would get any anyway. 

"This is going to look weird if mum looks in y bag, she know's we won't do anything but five boxes of condoms and three girls and six guys?" Luke said.

"That would be funny" Emma said as we took out the spray paint. On the inside of the locker door we painted four hearts from the top of the locker to the floor. We used the rest of the paint in our cans to paint over everything in this locker and Phil and I broke all his smokes in half and poured one broken packet onto the floor inside and outside his locker.  

we closed and re-locked Sam's locker and wrote a note and slid it into his locker though the vents in the door, taped up the bottom and sides of Sam's locker and using a straw and a cup with a hole in the bottom, we put the rest of the fizzy drink into the locker. 

Louise was going through a check list on her phone, marking off everyone's lockers. 

"Mason Adrian?" Louise asked as Alex and Jake called yes.

"Blake James? Yeah we did him. What about Kris O'Hannah?" Louise asked but nobody answered. 

"Locker 559?" And still no answer. 

"Well we better go check if someone have done anything. Come on" Phil said quietly taking my hand and leading me along with everyone else to locker number 559. We turned the corner and on the very end of the row was an untouched locker the had a metal tag on it saying 559. 

This locker didn't even have a lock on it, we opened it and Used our torches to see inside as it was almost pitch black in here. My jaw dropped. 

"Dan are you sure this isn't your locker?" Emma laughed but this was definitely not my locker. 

All over the door was photos of Phil.   

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