Chapter one: the first glance

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Everything was a huge mess when we arrived.

Huge parts of the wall thrown away, mixed with the blood-stained parts of the car. The last and almost-victim, the famous comedian Jessie Adams was making a confession to one of the policemen not far from me, while I was waiting nearby her.

As a psychiatrist, my task will probably be giving her an occasion or two, just so she can talk her problems out. And, of course, letting the family members of the victims confess me their feelings. I had my to-go stuff ready, with my thick notebook, favourite pen and salted caramel in my little handbag.

Since I didn't have anything to do while the investigations and confession-makings were going on, I was fiddling around the crime scene. My eyes wandered toward the bloody, lifeless body of the so-feared, young serial killer, who was lying in an awful silence with his chest on top of his car. I didn't want to stare at him, to be entirely honest. Still, it was like a red button that shouldn't be pushed: one just have to examine the frightening, young serial killer who did all the brutal actions for 5 minutes of fame.

And see, he ends up just the same way. Frozen in blood, his eyes staring into nothingness.

Such a disgusting figure. I frowned with my mouth in an unpleasured expression.

I was about to turn away, heading back to my commissioner, Mr. Portland. Still, a faint moan froze the last drop of blood into my veins, making my legs strike root.

My hands went ice cold as I slowly turned around, my heart beating in a crazy pace. I gulped as my wide eyes met with the previously empty, brown gaze. They were looking straight at me, I was 100% not imagining that. What was even worse, they were staring right into my souls, making me just stand there in awe and listen to his faint moan. The semi-dry blood elongated like some reddish smile kids play with these days, making my stomach turn upside down, almost causing a vomit. I had to lean against the car to avoid collapsing.

"H-Help... p-please"


I still didn't believe myself.

Thanks to my fucking watchfulness and my sharp hearing, one of the worst serial killers of all time was saved just in time. My human side told me that I just can't leave him die after being hit by car, even though he deserved that. My hands acted automatically, calling the ambulance. I even somehow lied myself into the case to save him from being shot right on the spot.

My lie wasn't anything stupid at all, let me tell you. Since social media drives not just one young soul crazy, I made a recommendation of trying to get the reason out of this Kurt guy of what made him commit the crimes he did just to earn fame. There had to be a reason – it would be an investigation that could help prevent any more similar case happen.

That's why the police department agreed to my idea, I guess. They even agreed to give a prison cell to Kurt and clear him, rolling bandage around his wounds as well. I would also get a guard coming with me, just in case if the boy would want to do anything with me.

Everything went just the way I imagined. I had to sign some papers of him being my responsibity and such, then wait for the doctor and the nurses make him look like a somewhat person-like being and the guards put him into a pretty modern jail cell. It wasn't the well-known unfriendly cell from cobblestone and with bars.

It was rather a nice and clean cell, with my guy attached to the wall with powerful, thick handcuffs. His hands were behind his worn body, his legs also secured against the floor. He was still in the set of clothes he was found almost-dead in, huge, dark red patches resembling his almost end. His brown hair was cut short, one of his eyes wrapped in some sort of bandage, just like his side of his chest.

I gulped before entering the room with a massive, Russian guy as my guard coming behind me. He had his gun in his hand, his thick fingers wrapped around that.

I really hoped we won't need to use that. I wasn't the believer of weapons.

As the door squeaked open, Kurt opened his damaged, brown eyes, turning his face toward me. As his gaze became clear and he finally recognised me, his lower jaw fell down. He turned his gaze elsewhere right away, not wanting to face me. "Why didn't you kill me there? This world doesn't need a guy like me"

I sighed. To be honest, I wasn't sure of the real reason either. I couldn't explain in words the way he looked at me, that desparation to live even though he did horrible, unforgivable actions. That heart-wrecking feeling couldn't be simply put into words.

"I couldn't let you just bleed until you die" I said in the end with my calmest voice I could. He couldn't know that I commiserated him too much. Of course he probably figured out the way I called help to save him, still I didn't want to show it to him.

I wanted to sit down in next to him, keeping the safety distance. However, just as I began lowering down, he made a rapid turn toward me, sneering and shouting like a madman. A maniac laughter bursted out of him, through his wounded, reddish lips. His brown eyes were glowing in craziness. "You should have left me just fucking die there, bitch! I will die anyway, what's the point living because you pitied me?!"

The Russian guy turned the tube of his gun toward Kurt, making him go even more mad. I put a hand on Sergej's shoulder, signaling him that he didn't have to shoot, I was handling the case, even though it didn't look like that.

I was a psychiatrist, after all.

I took a deep breath. Acting as if the previous shouting didn't happen, I sat down to my planned spot, cross-legged. My calmness did a great job, confusing Kurt completely. His madness seemed to begin easening, his rapid breathing slowing down. Even his eyes began narrowing. I gave myself a pat on the shoulder.

"Have you finished shouting?" I asked as if we were just an arguing couple.

Kurt still didn't believe his ears. He was gazing at me with a halt, only nodding as an answer.

"Good" I said. "To reply to your question, yes, I did save you because your desperate help couldn't have been ignored. Also, I have plans with you, Kurt"

This made him even more puzzled. He bent his eyebrows, listening to me carefully. "Like?"

I knew that if I tell him my real reasons, he won't share any of his secrets with me at all. I will eventually tell him what my intentions were, but not yet.

"A professional has her own reasons, Mr. Kunkle" I stated in a mysterious way. My aim was to raise his interest and I did a wonderful job. He was in my hands: now I just had to make him trust me somehow. He was one year older so we will probably find some reason sooner or later.

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