Chapter ten: at the hideout

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My sister's idea was a masterpiece, we must admit that. Everything thought through perfectly – of course, there is still a level of risk, but way less with the perfection Hazel planned.

Only my parents were left to somehow be notified of their two children disappearing with two adult men in the middle of the night.

They were already asleep along with my 4 year old brother when we were packed up, ready to go. Since we had no time to explain in words why we left, I wrote a quick note and put it onto the fridge under a magnet. I wrote them that we weren't kidnapped, but a friend – under what I meant Kurt – needs us to help and confirm his action.

And when the note was placed on the fridge, we closed the door behind us, sat inside Sergej's car and left the known part of the town. The engine started up, and with the Russian and my sister at the front, me and Kurt in the back, we dashed through the night and into the safety of Sergej's wooden house in the forest.

"Home, sweet home" the Russian exclaimed, opening up the entrance in front of us.

Hazel and Kurt rushed in, while I stayed back, in hope to be able to speak with Sergej. He closed the door behind himself, being surprised I waited up for him. "Can we talk in private?"

The man looked right into my eyes, as if he tried to search for answers, unsuccessfuly. He lifted an hand and patted my upper arm tenderly. "Sure. Just pack things down and meet me where you boiled your hand successfuly"

It took me a while to realise – maybe because I was so tired, I could have fallen asleep on my legs, standing – the little sarcasm he put in his speech. But when I did, my lips turned upwards into a smile, a light chuckle exiting my mouth. "Alright. I'll be there in a sec"

And I was there in no more than 5 minutes. Thankfully, Kurt was busy chatting with Hazel, who seemed to find interesting to examine an ex-serial killer in real life. My heart beat in huge, slow doses, seeing this scene: Kurt didn't deserve to become a criminal in his past life. He was such a goofhead and a loveable one at the same time.

"You know, at first I was mad you choose a criminal over me" Sergej's voice suddenly sounded up by my side. He was holding a bottle of sugarfree Fanta, opening it up with a simple movement. His gaze was on Kurt and my sister as well. "But I realised that maybe Kunkle isn't that bad at all"

It took me by surprise to hear such things from Sergej. I had always thought that he hated Kurt for simply becoming the one to me and he simply stayed my best friend. Turn out he's way more intelligent than that and really just wants to stay my friend if I can't love him more than friends.

Grabbing a mug from the cupboard I placed it down in front of him, giving him a grateful look. "Thank you for understanding my choice. You're the best friend I could have ever asked for"

The Russian poured from the bottle with an easy movement. At the end, he showed me a friendly smile, hugging me to himself with a single hand. "Anything for you, Marcy. But let me tell you an advice"

"I'm all ears"

"If you want Kunkle to be more than friends, you should be the one kissing him first. He went through such trauma he hesitates too long before fulfilling some sort of brave action" the Russian declared with such carefreeness in his voice, I could hardly believe it. As he talked about it it sounded such an easy topic to chat about. He talked about such magical feeling like love and the mysterious first kiss as if we were chatting about favourite foods and such.

Of course, he was older than me and he was a male. He had way more experience in this entire love-thing than me.

I was dumb enough to be lead by my nose and loosing my virginity to the wrong person by that.

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