Chapter four: unexpected offer

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Time went on without noticing it.

Days passed after days, leaving only the discovery of two weeks behind us. Probably I felt this way as I didn't have a free second to just sit down and relax as anyone else would have done so in my age: if I wasn't with Kurt, I had other patients, some of them the family members of those who were murdered by Kurt. It didn't make my situation easier that I had to put on a poker face and listen to the desperate yowling of those family members, crying rivers of sorrowful tears while growling over Kurt.

It may sound crazy, but visiting that boy after these occassions was like a reward. As time went on, he opened up bit by bit, occasionally falling back sometimes – but only a tiny bit, mostly because of the trauma in his past. Thankfully, I managed to bring him back more and more effectively. The key was to make him know that there wasn't any danger anymore and that I was there for him.

That boy needed a person to trust so bad. I haven't seen such lack of love and trust in my tiny little career.

He was waiting for me more and more, becoming more and more curious of what we'll be chatting about. I tried making the occassions more varied by bringing him different kind of foods, drinks and even other stuff, such as my childhood photos or some movies I loved but he hasn't seen before. Kurt was so interested in all those things that the visits just made my day, seeing how loose he was during those 3 hours. Not to mention how much these little chit-chats helped him to overcome his fear of socalizing: he became an unstoppable windbag a lot of time.

This time, after two weeks I had the family photo album in my bag. Beside that, I promised Kurt that I will show him what my hobby is beside being his „doctor".

That's why I didn't go by bus that day. Rather ordered my non-stop colleague, aka Sergej to come for me after all the time we had already aoent together. It was time to step ahead from colleagues to friends after we needed to see each other more than usual colleagues do, even in extra shifts. Plus, the Russian wanted to make sure I wasn't mad at him after what he had said about Kurt once, at the beginning.

The truth was that I had already excused him long ago. I simply enjoyed the extra attention he gave me over his other colleagues and friends.

Which was kinda odd if we think about, considering the age gap. I was 10 years younger after all – maybe my environment was just too good to miss out. Who knows.

Sergej literally jumped out of his black Range Rover, hurrying to take my heavy bags and put at the back. I sat into the passenger's seat and plugged in the safety belt.

"What's in those bags, Marc?" popped in the Russian to the driver's seat, curiousity forming a silly grin on his face. His bright blue eyes shone in a playful light.

He was calling me 'Marc' for a while now, making me always smile. He was way too lazy to add that plus 'y' letter.

"Beside my usual things, I put in a family photo album to my handbag" I began my explanation as we drove out to the road. "And in the other bag is my violin"

Sergej's blue gaze widened in surprise. He was speechless for a moment. "You never told me you play violin"

I shrugged in an innocent style. "You haven't asked yet"

Sergej agreed on that statement with a shrug. "True. But you gotta show me once how you play... for example during a movie night at you or me"

"Uhm, sure! Why not" It took me quite by surprise how easily he announced that he was ready for hangouts. I was afraid I'll choke on my own spit for a second. I rather turned my head away, toward the enormous skyscrapers passing by. I replied that way, trying to make my spinning mind busy – my stupid teenager sister made me watch too many sloppery romantic movies. You know what my mind went toward. What idiotic and childish thought.

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