Chapter nine: escape

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My heart stopped when I realised I wasn't alone. My breathing followed it when I saw who it was.

I couldn't even turn around. I was doing a stare contest with him through my mirror, my entire inside shaking of the thought him escaping for real and – maybe even commiting horrible things. "Kurt... how did you get here?"

"First, I don't want you to panic" the boy said, holding out his hands in front of himself as a sign of innocence. "I came because I was... afraid"

My eyebrows knit. "Afraid? Of what?"

"Of... of you being hurt again" he turned his gaze away from my copy in the mirror, looking strictly downwards. I saw how hard it was for him to say out these things, still he didn't blench. "I couldn't bear loosing you, too"

I sighed, doing a 180° turn to face the boy. Grabbing my sleeveless T-shirt and pulling swiftly onto me, I stepped closer to him, now more confident with clothes on me.

Not like he cared about my body. He has already seen my little belly I had.

Just like Sergej did to me, I slid two fingers under Kurt's chin, gently forcing him to face me. I saw the sign of relief that I was in clothes, still it was hard to make him kerp the eyecontact. I guess he felt guilty of following us without telling me, even though he did it just to keep an eye on me.

"You won't loose me, Kurty. I promised that" I smiled at him. My hand acted by itself, sliding onto his cold cheek, gently patting it. "And even though I don't know how we will get ourselves out of you coming after us, I'm not mad at you"

The boy's eyes widened in surprise. A hand of his carefully lie down onto the back of mine on his cheek, so carefully as if he could scarevme away with a sudden movement. "Really? You're not lying, are you?"

I shook my head right away. "Lying stands far from me. I prefer not getting myself into more trouble I'm already in"

A lightheaded smile formed on Kurt's lips. "You can blame that one on me"

I waved my hand. "Please. You're just testing my problem-solving skills. I need difficulties to get better in my job"

During this little chit-chat, I walked back to my ready-made bed, folding up the blanket in half. Lying down with a loud huff and a good stretching, I waved with my hand for Kurt to join me. "I won't bite, you can lie on my bed. Or do you want to just stand there and stare at me the whole time I'm trying to get some sleep like a pedo?"

The boy shook his head right away. I smiled, not even trying to hide how well I was entertained on his embarrassment.

His steps were uncertain, especially when sitting down onto the surface of the bed. He took a last look at me, making sure I really wanted an ex-serial killer to just lie beside me. He really was tender, not wanting to cause me anything bad in soul or physically.

To confirm my final decision, I grabbed one of his arms, pulling him beside me with a swift movement. One moment he was at the edge of my bed and the next, he was lying with his face centimetres from mine, our hands folded.

For a moment, me examining his hazel gaze lasted for too long, prisoning me in those heart-melting orbs. I could feel his breath tickling my features, making my lips show off a stupid smile and my heart beat with twice the normal speed. "You have beautiful eyes, have I said that?"

"You „only" said that I look freaking hot as far as I remember" Kurt shrugged, bursting into a light chuckle. The hand he wasn't lying on began moving, making its way slowly toward my cheek, patting through my hip and along my waist. Where he touched my skin with that gentle touch, I felt my skin burning with some sort of excited flame. Not to mention his fingers lying on my cheek with such tender I had not experienced before. "Can I tell you a secret?"

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