Chapter thirteen: hostage

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The place where the injection had been stabbed into my neck hurt like hell when I woke up.

My arms and legs were tied against a wall, my feet touching the ground in a quite uncomfortable, twisted position.

I was kidnapped.

"Well, well, well" a voice echoed in the darkness on my right out of the sudden. I jerked my head that direction, my limbs trembling of the fear of realisation of being kidnapped. It was a female voice, and as she stepped closer, I saw that it was the same black woman who I had seen before passing out. "My dear Kurt's little savior woke up! Just in time, lass"

"What do you want from me?" I sneered with set teeth, narrowed eyes. I only realised then how much the hand- and legcuffs hurt, not to mention how dizzy I felt. Not just simply dizzy either. The realisation hit me hard like a frying pan does to a burglar. "You... you injected sugar into me?!"

The woman let out a satisfied chuckle. "Please, where would be the fun killing you right away? Kurt would have the reason then to end my and his life right away. I wanna play with him a bit first... but I did gave you a little bit of sugar, that's true. You know, just to make you feel less okay"

I didn't know who that bitch was, but I knew one thing for sure. She was probably on Sergej's short list of names, what I realised easily, thanks to God. I quickly recalled the names one by one, filtering out the female names: she was either Zoe or Jessie.

And she didn't look like Zoe. I imagined a girl named Zoe with blond hair, being tall and white. Not that it mattered in that situation.

Looking back I now know she was Jessie Adams, so my suspicion was right. Kurt even said I was there when she was in the same room with me – when I found Kurt alive. Well, my brain is getting old, too, I guess.

Anyway, back to the story.

There was one thing that mattered. Something that I had to find out as soon as I could just to elongate my time, probably giving the others enough time to find me.

"Listen, I don't know who you are. I don't know what Kurt did to you because of that" I stated, rightfully.

Not to mention Kurt's mind being in a healing state. I can't just bring up questions like who you didn't kill and such. That's why Sergej did the research in secret, leaving Kurt out of this.

The woman stopped by my side after pouring herself a glass of water. She took a sip, then placed in the windowsill. "The name is Jessie Adams, dear Marcy. We have met before, when I banged that craze's head into the car... but you managed to find him alive. Barely, but still alive"

Huh. Didn't leave much impression in me I guess.

I had to be careful with her. Her name brought up all the gossips I had heard before: she had been almost a victim of Kurt, as well. What's more, because of her fame, Kurt, well, wanted to have sex with her in real life, sharing it via Jessie's account, too.

Yes, we all know that fame drove Kurt crazy. But when you don't have anyone to turn to when you feel helpless, becoming a psycho has a way higher chance of happening.

Probably this entire story left a huge, ugly wound in Jessie. Still, either tormenting or killing me would make the situation just even worse.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have the soul to kill someone who looks up at you, asking for help" I told her, my emerald gaze forming eye contact with her.

I tried getting into her soul through her brown orbs, pulsating all the feelings I had had when finding Kurt, lying with his chest almost dead on top of the car. That guilt but sorrow that mixed in me when calling the ambulance and saving him after all. How I stood sideways, seeing the ambulance men taking care of his wounds: I remembered him looking sideways at me, still amazed and grateful that he was saved.

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