Chapter seven: deep dive

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Is it okay to feel this strange?

I mean when a person who grows close to you has some things that must be arranged and he can't meet you for a day. Feeling some sort of emptiness and sorrow when you can't see his face, can't hear his voice even though you know you'll be able to meet him again soon.

Was that because of friendship? Or more than that?

These thought were circling in my head while waiting at the café of the police station for my turn. They made me so busy thinking, it was the barista guy who brought me back to reality with a wave of hand in front of my dreamy face.

I shook my head to bring myself fully back. I was grateful to him – he pulled me back with a simple, polite question just in time before my thoughts could have driven me crazy with its doubtfulness. "Sorry, John, I was just lost in thoughts"

The guy, about the same age as me waved with his hands. "No problem, Marcy. What would you like, your usual, sugar-free white coffee?"

I nodded. "And I would bring a cocoa, full of sugar as well"

Poor John, he was kinda puzzled for a moment. "Having suicidal thoughts?"

I shook my head, laughing. "Nah. It's not for me"

The boy's expression brightened. He began making my order right in front of me, staying in conversation-distance, his hands busy working. He was a true barista – not only were his creations super tasty, it was great to see him working, as well with those swift and precise movements. "It's for your serial killer?"

It didn't surprise me at all that even the barista knew when I bring something for Sergej and when for Kurt. Gossips were spreading here like wildfire. "Yeah. Sergej is out of town today, arranging something for his sister"

"I see" John nodded. "I'm sad I'm not making it for the Russian guard. Everyone is waiting for the moment you two get together finally"

The small amount of saliva that was circling in my mouth almost made me choke after this statement. I mean I knew about others placing bets on when we will step to the next level – especially since I agreed to Sergej's little game last week. The amount of kisses on my forehead and hugs were getting bigger and bigger, I was receiving them more and more often, out of the sudden. He even hugged me once we were in queue at John's little café, earning everyone's attention.

I was also curious where this thing was going. If only I could enjoy one of our little not-dates without a stray thought of a certain boy named Kurt Kunkle.

I gave myself a slap on the face to bring myself back to reality, just in time. John was done with the orders, placing them in front of me with a smile. I returned the gesture, placing the price onto the cash-holder. I grabbed one drink with one hand, speeding up my steps to get out of the common place as fast as I could.

Once I was guided into Kurt's room with a permanently other guard named Jeffery, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Finally, peace. No noise, no gossip. Just the calming silence and a boy who almost knocked me over for a hug, again as stylish and sexy in Sergej's clothes as can be.

"Woah, woah, easy, Kurt!" I chuckled, holding the two cups toward the two sides. He immediately made me forget my worries.

"I thought you won't come" he admitted with a hint of embarrassment, catching his hazel gaze from my emerald one.

It made me smile. Truly smile with happiness, with tears of joy forming in the corner of my eyes. "Don't even think such thing! I just got late due to the café having a pretty long queue... but I brought you a cup of freshly made, hot cocoa"

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