Chapter three: savior

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The next day went the usual way – at the beginning at least.

After packing in my usual stuffs, like a bottle of cold water, some special savoury scones and my package of sugarfree caramel, I said goodbye to my parents and my two younger siblings.

Yes. I think at the age 22 I was young enough to still live with them, no matter who says what.

I arrived to the police station 20 minutes before three in the afternoon. Sergej joined me at the entrance, trying to easen the mood – unsucessfully. I was still mad at him.

Inside, everything went in the well-known order. The security checked us at the gate to the special chambers, finding again everything correct. We headed immediately to Kurt's room, unlocked the door and entered, sharp at three.

The boy looked up at us just like he did in the first two days. However, there was something not okay with his skin color, not to mention how dry his lips were. They were tiled.

I knew immediately what was wrong.

Grabbing my bottle I hurried to him, lowering to my knees. Kurt turned his head toward me, just staring, not saying anything. "Kurt... did you get anything to drink?"

The boy shook his head. "They... did not give me"

I couldn't believe my ears. Anger flamed up inside me as if it was wild fire, making my mouth tremble in the way I was trying to hide the madness taking over my inside.

Sergej came to my side, setting into the similar position I was. His expression was also shocked.

He looked at Kurt and to my surprise, made a question to him

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He looked at Kurt and to my surprise, made a question to him. "The nurses didn't come in to give you anything to drink?"

Kurt shook his head again. "They said... it will help them get the info out of me"

I gasped. The blood ran out of me so rapidly that if Sergej didn't hold me, I would have fallen backwards. I had no idea how can someone be so cruel to leave anyone dry out until a point of almost drying out completely.

My hands were trembling as if they were made of jelly. Not to mention how heavy the bottle felt, but I managed to get rid of the cap and put it to Kurt's tiled lips. With those worn eyes, he looked at me, not believing his eyes for a moment. I took a deep breath while keeping my eyes on him and carefully lifted the bottle upwards.

Just as the still cold water touched his mouth, he opened his lips immediately, gulping down the water in a greedy way. I had to be careful not to lift the bottle up too much, just one by one. He almost finished the entire bottle, panting as if after a long and tiring race.

"Better?" I asked, still shaken by the amount of cruelty that happened in this room. Sergej took the bottle from me, freeing my hand by what felt like tons. I showed him a thankful smile, forgetting anything bad he had said about Kurt before. The way he helped told me that he only said what his colleagues said, not wanting to be the black sheep.

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