Chapter sixteen: time goes by

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Three months passed in a blink of time.

I recovered fully under that time, spending most of my time with my family, my friends and Kurt. They all worked hard to make me forget the horrible feelings I had had to go through: taking me to fairs, going on trips, watching movies together.

And if I needed a more private activity, for example a simple cuddle in silence, listening to the chirping of birds or the blow of the wind, I had Kurt ready every time: he had a fastened trial, with every facts aligning toward him.

We won the trial, mainly thanks to Portman's hasty kidnap against me.

Of course, he still had to do something as a punishment, which was understandable after what he had done in his past. The court hadn't had an idea first, so I had shared mine which they had liked quite a lot – taking Kurt with me on tours, holding speeches about the dangers of social media.

They wouldn't have given him a better punishment. I was glad they decided beside that – and his other punsihment, that he must have a supervisor with him for the next 5 years at least.

Speaking of the dangers of social media, my thesis was cancelled, since I couldn't even attend the amount of lessons needed. But oh well, I'll apply next time.

I had much more important stuff to do, like a tour where we held speeches about the dangers of the social media with Kurt.

And, for example little programs the four of us organized. One of my favourites was the first time we had gone to watch a movie in the cinema – since nor Kurt, neither Sergej had been to the cinema for a while. We reintroduced it to them with a little bugging.


As always, we chose Sergej's car to travel, the Russian himself driving. Hazel sat beside him, hyped and excited as always.

Me and Kurt sat at the back, our hands lying folded on the middle seat. Time went with a blink of time, especially since we had no criminals trying to kill us or Kurt escaping his room illegally. We always had so much to say to the other, we spoke so much that one would believe we hadn't met the other for years.

We chose a romantic comedy, that matched everyone's taste. Not too slobbery romantic, rather the funny film with some romantic touch.

But I guess we could chose any movie, we, the Hargrove girls couldn't have been more excited. We bounced on both legs, around the two casually speaking boys – it was great to see Kurt and Sergej finally fully destroy the barrier between themselves and become friends.

"Have you eaten too much sugar, Babe?" the Russian questioned my sister, laughing.

Hazel shrugged. "Maybe. But I'm also excited to go to cinema with you, it's our first time after all!"

Sergej thought for a second. He agreed in the end, hugging his girlfriend close for a kiss on the forehead. "True. I haven't been to a cinema for a while, to be honest"

Both my and Hazel's mouth opened wide, as if he said shocking news. "Whaaaaat" we said simultanously.

None of the boys understood why it was such a big deal. Kurt also joined in, defending Sergej. "I can't even remember the previous occasion when I was here"

Another shocking 'Whaaaaat' with my sister. We even stood beside each other, emphasizing our shock.

"You guys clearly don't know what you've missed" Hazel told them, mysterious look in her gaze.

Sergej rolled his eyes. Having enough us girls being so cryptic, he pulled my sister to a hug, his arms the girl folded around her. They still looked the most odd couple I had seen in my life so far: Sergej with his huge, muscular and tall body, while Hazel with her always thin, small little self. At the same time they matched together so well, I couldn't tell why – the way Hazel leaned the back of her head against the Russian's cheat, how he put his lips onto her forehead, giving a long and loving kiss... They were just such a sweet couple after all. I was happy Hazel came to Sergej's life – I was afraid he will be too sad to try and search for love again.

I was about to cuddle up to Kurt, but the boy was faster. His long arms slided beside my side, touching my hips, his hands folding in front of my belly. His chest leaned against my back, his balanced and relaxed heartbeat could be felt.  He gave me a kiss on the side of my forehead, his chin then resting on my shoulder. His brown gaze, those always loving, always grateful and guarding eyes melted me to a huge puddle in no time, my heart rushing with its pace toward the sky and above.

I rubbed my head against his with multiple thoughts swirling in my head. They were all happy thoughts, one particularly caught my attention – that I was incredibly happy how my life had formed this way. I was so grateful for saving Kurt back then, giving him a second chance.

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