Chapter eleven: plans

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"I spoke to my boss" Sergej said right before the first bite of sausage.

He really prepared food with Hazel and not even just sausages only: they made corn salad and also baked deep-frozen goodies, everything sugarfree.

Sergej said he had purchased all these sugarfree things back when we had become friends so I can choose whatever I want to eat if I end up at him. Well, all these stored foods came in handy this time.

"What did she say?" I inquired, my very first bite of sausage stuck on my fork. My other hand was under the table, fingers folded with Kurt. He didn't leave me from the moment we had locked lips in the guest room: he was holding my hands all along, no matter that we was inside the house.

At least we didn't have to explain what had happened behind the locked door.

"She looked into the schedule and Portman's shift will end at 2 a.m" the Russian said.

A huge rock rolled down from our hearts.

"Who will be in charge next?" I asked, biting into my cooling food. It looked so damn delicious that my saliva was starting to get way too much in my mouth. I wanted to moan in delight as I usually do when the food I'm eating is mad tasty, still, I had to restrain myself. It would have been way too ambiguous – I stayed at enjoying the fresh, delicious food in myself.

I'll compliment Sergej and Hazel later on for the great meal.

"Maverick Neelson" the Russian replied. Poor Sergej, he only received questioning look from all of us. He sighed. "He means good news. He's on our side since his brother also did pretty ugly things in the past but was given the second chance to restart"

Now, that was the kind of detailed news that cheered us up. I jumped up from my seat, holding Kurt's face between my palms. He looked at me with surprise yet accepted my overjoyed and full of hope kiss on his lips.

I didn't expect Hazel doing the same to Sergej. I wouldn't say I was surprised since we're speaking about Hazel. She always liked way older men and the fact that Sergej was a stiff Russian only rose the level of excitement for my sister. I wouldn't say either that the Russian was taken by shock by this action of my sister – probably he had already put Hazel down as a featherbrained Nosy Parker.

I would rather say he enjoyed Haz's incalculable behaviour. In that short kiss I saw him... smiling. And that smile rose on the greatness of my day.

I didn't care it was Hazel who made him happy. I didn't care there were 14 years between them. What mattered that he was smiling, my only friend, my best friend being happy even though I didn't end up next to him.

"You girl, you know I wanted to kiss you first, right?" Sergej chuckled, catching Hazel's arm, pulling her to his lap with a powerful movement.

"Well, too late, Russian Man" Hazel shrugged, folding her arms around Sergej's muscular neck.

To be honest, they looked kinda funny together. Sergej with his muscular, tall body while Hazel with her thin limbs and short height. They rather looked like a sugar daddy and his „daughter", but who am I to judge? My beloved one is an ex-serial killer.


We decided to try and sneak Kurt back to police station for further discussions with this Maverick guy after Portman leaving his shift at 2 a.m.

I took my documents with me in a bag as evidence of Kurt being a perfect patient to my little „scientific research", as Hazel defined. Sergej and her were already in the car, preparing it to be ready to go.

I took a last look at my papers, checking that everything was with me. Everything seemed to be in my little folder, still I was anxious as hell.

Kurt tightened my his grip around my hand, pulling me closer for a quick hug. He gave a long kiss on my forehead, patting my back with both hands. He murmured into my skin, his warm breath tickling. "It'll be okay, Marcy. You're the best psychiatrist anyone could ever ask for. Also, Sergej and Hazel will help as well"

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