Chapter five: finally free

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The handcuffs clicked open in no time, obeying the keys turned in their locks. At first, his legs were released, which almost caused him to collapse from the sudden freedom of his veins' bloodstream.

As soon as he earned the control of his legs back, Sergej handed me one of the keys to his handcuffs. I stepped closer, my left side brushing against Kurt's bare chest. I even felt him glancing in my way, waiting for me to click the thing open, noticing the tiny hesitation in my moves.

"Marcy" he whispered out of the blue.

I looked up at him from closer than half a meter. Straight into those hazel eyes that looked into my soul. "Yes?"

"You know that I wouldn't hurt you, right?" his voice cracked at the word 'hurt'. He tried to hide his fear of not being released with a gulp.

A smile formed on my tiled lips. With one hand I gave a gentle pat on his cheek. "I know. If you did, who would bring you savoury scones and caramel?"

Kurt's sour fear was changed by a relieved chuckle. It fitted him way better than sorrow. "True. You didn't tell me the recipe so I have to spare your life at least"

I chuckled, shaking my head in disbelief. That boy, he drove me crazy. I didn't hesitate anymore to let him free, same time Sergej did on his other hand.

Kurt Kunkle was officially free to move around. Free to commit anything if my therapy wasn't enough and my trust was too early.

My heart was pounding with the speed of those incredible, Japanese trains. I was on the edge of collapsing if anything goes wrong – what thankfully didn't happen.

Rather something surprising did. Kurt turned toward me, gently closing his arms around me, folding me into a weak hug. It was as if he feared I would run away of him giving me a hug or I would vanish.

I returned his hug right away. My arms were folded around him, my head leaning on his chest. His so well-known aroma crawled into my nose, making me feel beyond joyful. I could feel how rapid and unordered his heartbeat was – he was just as nervous as I was.

I tightened my hug even more. My voice was low so that no one else could hear it, just the two of us. "You can calm down now, Kurt. We won't lock you back, I'll make sure"

He put his chin on top of my head, drilling his mouth and nose into my hair. His warm breath tickled, sending pleasant shivers along my spine. I noticed only then how tall he really was. "Thank you"

I looked up at him, carefully leaning away. I couldn't help but smile. "Your welcome. And now, go and try those clothes on, Mr. Kunkle"

Kurt put his two fingers to his forehead, moving it away from his head as the sign of honor and obedience, winking at me in a heart-melting style.

He turned toward Sergej, taking the brownish shirt. Before he put it on with a swift movement, he had held out his right hand toward Sergej. Poor guy, his hand was shaking so bad, even the Russian helped him out by accepting the hand right away. They shook their folded hands well.

"If you dare to do anything against Marcy or anyone here, I'll shot you right through your brain. Got it, Kunkle?" Sergej's voice was rough, not accepting any refuse. His fingers tightened around his stiff gun.

Kurt nodded with poker face. He stole a look from me, then turned back to Sergej. "I couldn't hurt my savior"

His last word rang in my hand like a sweet melody all along he put on the first piece of clothing. He pulled its lower part, giving some last patting to the material to make it fit perfectly on him. As if his hand was a comb, he dug into the thick mops of hair of his, making it somewhat ordered.

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