Chapter six: unexpected accident

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The Russian's house was not at all what I expected. It was a small family house without any additional floors, in the middle of the small fores which was at the border of the town. I knew that place and I also loved going there on a trip with my family. I did not know there was someone who actually lived there, not far from the tour route.

The house itself was a cozy log-hut with a huge fireplace being the main „attraction" of the livingroom. There was a huge rug in Scandinavian style in front of it, also a huge coffee table with a set of matching armchairs and a sofa. The kitchen was in American style, joined to the livingroom with cupboards also made of wood. Maybe the only thing that wasn't wooden were the fridge and the stove with the oven.

I couldn't resist my mouth opening up. It was such a mesmerizing scene that I felt like I crossed the line and entered a fairytale.

"I guess you like my little home" Sergej chuckled as he stepped behind me, helping me get rid of my light, spring jacket.

"Thanks" I told him for helping me undress. I was so stuck by how wonderful house the Russian owned that I was completely unable to do anything. It took me quite a lot energy to just step one ahead, then another, then stumble into the cozy livingroom. I placed my butt onto one of the armchairs, wriggling while enjoying the patting softness of the material. "This place is a literal dream house! You bet I love it already"

The Russian joined me not long after, two cups of something brownish and hot in them. It was steaming chocolate scent, making my mouth water. Hot chocolate, probably homemade.

"It's completely sugarfree" added Sergej when I stopped halfway of taking a cup.

That gave me the last bang to accept it right away. Pulling my legs closer to myself, I began blowing on the chocolate goodie to make it cool quicker. The aroma drove my thoughts to a far away land of mesmerizing winter nights, which were not even that far away. "This looks insanely great, Sergej! Did you make it by yourself?"

The Russian smiled, happy to hear that I liked his idea of drink. He took a sip from his own mug. "Ah, I'm not that great in the kitchen. It's my sister's recipe, straight from Canada... but I made it with no help whatsoever" at the end of his speech he raised his chin proudly toward the ceiling, his back straight as can be.

I nodded slowly, one eyebrow upper than the other, trying not to burst into a laugh. I rather took a deep sip to silence the urge to laugh him right in the face.

And oh boy, how well I decided. That thing was the best no-sugar hot chocolate I have ever tried!

My tastebuds were doing a wild dance to thank the creator of that heavenly goodie. I felt my cheeks warm up and my entire face brighten. I could fly from the boost it gave me.

"You gotta share its recipe with me"

Sergej chuckled. "Just after you share your savoury cone recipe with me. I'm not Kurt, you can tell it to me"

Aha. So he wanted a deal, I see.

I leant forward, my eyes narrowing in a challenging style, locking them onto those bright blue orbs. "I offer you a deal"

The Russian acted the same, standing my destroying look. Leaning with his elbows on his thighs, he laid his chin on the back of his manly hands. I would lie if I say he didn't look damn sexy with that hunter-like smile. "I'm listening"

"What if we both show the other the recipe instead telling it in the usual, boring way? Right after..." here I took out a folder, packed with way too much scribbles and papers, notes. " take a look at my memoir about this boy named Kurt Kunkle"

The Russian's eyes widened when taking my notes. He laid it in his lap, staring at it, surprised. "You have already found out so much about him?"

I nodded. "You know, it's not easy to understand the reasons behind his past actions after not knowing him at all. And the technique I'm using doesn't provide tons of useful informations at once. I collected these thoughts, made conclusions and then researches along the past two weeks and I'm far from done"

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