6-Interviews (2)

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All Might's POV

I waited for Snipe to come at the entrance of UA. I was glad I came here today. The weather was a lot better than yesterday. I looked at the bright sky. Yesterday had been like a snowstorm, but today was like summer. Weathers were weird weren't they? 

I looked over at the cowboy coming towards me. At first glance, he looked like a villain, but he wasn't too bad. We checked the address on my phone. We got a taxi to go there. After paying, I had a chat with him about the USJ attack. To be honest, it was too easy. Most missions would have me fighting villains and going plus ultra, but this was quite boring to be honest. But still, it was an important job, one that I wouldn't want to miss. 

"Well, shall we get going?" Snipe said, bringing me out of my daze. I nodded.

We soon arrived at the home of the woman, Mrs. Takami. We knocked on the door to her apartment door. She answered after our third attempt.

"Who are you?" she asked.
"I'm Toshinori Yagi and this is Snipe, we are both pro heroes. We would like to ask you a few questions." I decided to hide the fact that I was All Might since there were a decent amount of All Might haters recently.

She opened the door to show a large room. She looked very fragile and homeless, with her not-so-clean clothes. Her red hair was the only bright thing in the room. She brought a few chairs for us to sit down. 

"So, what are your questions?" she asked.

"First, does Keigo Takami ring a bell?" I asked. Immediately, her faced turned pale, making her look like those horror little mermaid art pieces.
"Where...did you hear that name?" she pointed her index finger at me, which I nearly thought as the middle finger.
"Could you answer the question ma'am?" Snipe asked, in a calm tone.
"He's my son." she answered, after hesitating. 

'See that wasn't too hard, was it?' was what I wanted to say, but instead I went on to the next question. I already knew her husband, so I asked her about his whereabouts.
"Where is he now?"
"I don't know. I sold him off 10 years ago to some guys."
"Wh-" I started, but was cut off by Snipe.
"I see, could you tell me who you sold him off to?" Snipe asked.
"A few men who said they were from the 'commission'. They're the ones who gave me this place. And also food and monthly money." that explained how she was living in a such a nice place while looking workless.

We left after saying our goodbyes. Snipe showed me the recording of the interview that he took in secret. We took a taxi to get Snipe back to UA. Which was interrupted by a villain attack, which we had to stop. We had a coffee at a café nearby after saving the day.

"Wait, is that Dabi and Hawks?" Snipe asked. I looked over at where he was looking at. And indeed, it was them. I walked over to their table with Snipe. Hawks shined a bright smile at us. But Dabi wasn't that happy, which was seen through his disguise.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Hawks looked uncomfortable at my question.
"Talking 'bout the mission. Obviously." Dabi said, clearly not wanting me here.

"Well, we were about to leave, so bye!" I said goodbye as soon as I could. 

I didn't want anything to do with this villain. His hair reminded him of Hero Killer, a big enemy of his. While his eyes reminded him of Endeavor, someone he didn't get along with. He was like a mixture of people he was afraid of or disliked; his eyes looking at me like All For One, his dislike of heroes that reminded him of his master's grandson, Tomura Shigaraki, and his clothes that reminded him of an assassin that once nearly killed him. Everything about him sent shivers down his spine. It was different than Shigaraki or All For One. Dabi was someone he didn't know what to think of. 

With Shigaraki or All For One, he could say they were a crazy villain, but Dabi? He seemed less villain-like than minor villains. Which made it harder to defeat him mentally, though it would be easy to defeat him physically. But, I brushed these thoughts away. It wasn't that heroic to think a villain could just be free because he wasn't a crazy maniac.

/A note from author/

Thank you for the support. I know the chapter wasn't that well written, but I wanted to post it sooner as the view for the story reached 100. So this is a thank you gift...I guess? As always, Hope you enjoy the rest, and feel free to ask me anything in the comments!

Fun Fact:
The author used the fact that they were sick to write more chapters for you. I mean, it wasn't a complete lie~


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