17- Over

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Hawks' POV

Yuichi struggled as he was taken by the police. After weeks of talking, he revealed everything. About the Program, about how they poisoned the heroes , and about Touya. 

"Don't tell me Takami didn't tell you?" Yuuichi asked. 
"Tell us what?"
"That villain you're working with. He's the lost son you keep asking me about." Yuichi smiled as the others' eyes turned to me. 

We soon left the police station. I tried to escape the heroes' questions but failed. While on the ride to the hospital .

"How could you have not told us? If we knew..." Anger burned inside me as Endeavor spoke.
"What? If you knew what would you be able to do? I just saved you from the pain of losing Touya! If you knew would you have saved him? Would he be alive? Dabi's life is as important as Touya's!" I huffed after talking. Regret rushed inside me. 

"Keigo... We're sorry. We were just-" the bunny hero's words made me regret my words even more.
"You were worried. I know. It's just that- Touya, or Dabi, was my closest friend back there. And I-"
"He was also my son, Hawks." I sighed. 
"Touya never liked talking about his father. I can see why now." there was a tension between the No.1 hero and me. And it wasn't the good kind.

We arrived at the hospital. Most of the others went to check on AllMight and the rest of the heroes that were poisoned by the Hero Commission.

I went ahead, towards Dabi. Or Touya. Endeavor soon came with his children and wife. Touya was on the bed. His scars were bandaged up. While I was being treated for some of my wounds, Touya was asleep in his bed. He hadn't woken up for 3 weeks now.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Touya..." I heard his mother cry.

The whole family except Endeavor, was crying their hearts out. The news was told to the family. And it was also sent to the media. Everyone questioned the hero about what the family was hiding. In the end, the Todorokis revealed their rather big family issue. Would Touya be happy with this?

Natsuo came to the hospital at least once a week. He would stay by Touya's side while tears came out from his eyes. After observation, I realized his tears came out as icicles. Would Touya's tears be fire? Oh and you might ask, "Hawks how do you know all this? Do you stalk the Todorokis?" And no. I don't. I just happen to have a TV in my living room and also visit Touya everyday. 

And what happened to Lotus and the other kids after the 'Interviews' chapters? They were sent to orphanages in Tokyo. (The author definitely didn't forget that she made those OCs... sorry not sorry)

After 2 years, YES I SAID 2 WHOLE YEARS, Touya FINALLY woke up. A lot of things happened after he woke up but it basically went like;


Yeah. Too fast for you? That's the hero-that's-too-fast for you. Anyways Touya and I are in fact dating. I don't know how it took so long for him to agree when we kissed quite a few times but we got together in the end.

I retired from my job as a hero after getting together with Touya. The job was something given by the Hero Commission. And I hated it. Anyways, Touya and I live in a small but cozy home (not just a house) along side the beach. 

We often walk around the beach filling each other on how mean Endeavor can be. It's peaceful. It's surprising that it took me 26 years to finally find a home that I loved that loved me. Did that not make sense? Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either. Overall, I'm happy. And Touya says that's all that matters to him.


The End!!!! In need of editing which I'll never do! Tons of plot holes, and things that don't make any sense. OCs that serve no purpose but I still finished the book. If you liked this book, go check out [Dabi's Second Chance-by Me]. I don't know why but I'm super hyped right now. Hope you liked this book and Bye~~~~

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