30.2. Wings Catching Up - Part 2

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I sleep so deeply that I don't have any dreams. Or I don't remember then. Maybe it's for the best, I'm still shaken by that dark nightmarish cloud swallowing me. At first, I think that it's hunger that woke me up but it turns out there're too many turbulent emotions around me.

"Oh, he's finally up!" Emi exclaims excitedly.

"You had us worried, Aefener," Liana is sitting next to my bed, caressing my wings that are lying quite comfortably on the padded side table.

"Worried?" I mumble, still very sleepy.

"You were sleeping for twelve hours straight, we couldn't wake you up," she explains. "Julia was even considering calling an ambulance at one point."

I force myself to fully open my eyes and I blink several times. It's too damn bright. Celestial eyes can handle even the brightest sunlight but it's still uncomfortable to wake up into the artificial hospital light.

"How do you feel, hon?" Erik kisses me on my forehead.

"Better," I say hoarsely and realise that there're two tubes on my face, leading into my nostrils.

"You had difficulties breathing so Dr Stein put you on oxygen," Erik catches what I'm thinking about.

"Thanks, I really feel better now," I answer and I'm not lying, I do feel better. I'm still extremely weak and my wings are hurting but it's not so excruciating anymore.

"I reckon your mana circuit finally caught up with the sudden acceleration and continues compensating to a certain point," Julia ponders.

"Snack time," Erik pulls me up carefully, Liana helping with my wings.

I look around, the whole gang is here. Fefnir is standing in the back with folded hands and looks grim. Emi is sitting next to him, her tail nervously waggling to the sides. Ingri was probably crying for me because her eyes are puffy but now that I'm awake, she's relieved.

I notice Vermiel at the door and he's whispering something to Miruel who's standing closely next to him. He looks tired and I feel guilty that he couldn't have gone to sleep because of me. He knows... he knows about me. Another person... and it happened by accident which is scary. What if I do it again? Can I trust him? I barely know him.

My eyes meet with Miruel's and she timidly averts her gaze. Don't tell me she knows as well? She feels way to strongly when looking at me. I want to ask Liana about it telepathically as she's still touching me but Erik suddenly stuffs a sandwich into my mouth so I have to focus on chewing.

"So...," Emi stands up and steps closer but not too close to Dr Stein as she's still far from overcoming her fear of doctors. "When will our Aefener be able to fly?"

"Obviously much sooner than we originally predicted," Julia says. "The most optimistic prognoses for Celestials estimated at least half a year and that's for high-levels whose transformation is faster. But now... at least in case of Aefener... a month maybe?"

I'm actually shocked. A month? For real? I've been looking forward to flying, of course, I was never so thrilled for anything as much before in my life, but isn't it too soon? It seems so close now, maybe too close.

"Hm? I thought you would be happier about it," Erik is confused and caresses my feathers to comfort me.

"I... I am," I gulp a piece of sandwich. "It's just... I realised it's almost here and it's a bit frightening, to be honest."

"We'll find a way how to make it safe, don't worry," he assures me. "Are you afraid of falling when testing it out? We can put out some nets or soft mattresses."

"Not really, no," I shake my head. "It's just that flying probably won't be as carefree and fun as it was ingame when the world out there wants to get me and everyone has a smartphone to document my every move."

"Right, forgot about that," Erik slaps his forehead.

"Are you able to tell if my wings are starting to grow more quickly as well?" Liana asks Julia rather impatiently. "I sometimes feel strange tingling in them."

"The speed of your growth is definitely getting faster," Julia nods. "We should see in upcoming days."

"Is it out?" I'm afraid to ask but I have to.

"Not confirmed yet," Ingri speaks up since she acts as our public opinion monitor. "But you've been locked here for twelve hours, Aefener. We tried to come up with some cover story but the residents noticed that we've cut out the entire part of this floor. Your guards are patrolling in front of the infirmary and no one is allowed inside so it's kind of obvious that something's wrong with you."

"Now what? Is Ryuu indisposed for the time being?" Erik asks when I finish the sandwich. "How do we cover that? We have another meeting with the officials tomorrow, right? There's no way he'll be fit enough to attend."

"I feel much better after I ate," I pull his sleeve.

"But you're still not strong enough to even walk, are you?" he raises his eyebrows.

"We have too much work, I can't lazy around," I shake my head. "If you would be so kind to carry me, I can work at least on my computer."

"Ryuu," Erik sighs.

"Your boyfriend is right, you should rest," Julia agrees. "Do you even realise how fast your wings are growing right now? It should be physically impossible."

"Just as magic was thought to be impossible," Emi comments.

"Anyway, Aefener stays here under my constant supervision," Julia says strictly. "I'll monitor also all of you. Should you start experiencing any abrupt changes in your transformation, call me immediately. Immediately, do you understand?" she looks sternly at Liana. "I understand that you have lots of work but overworking in your fragile condition could have bad consequences."

"Understood," Liana surprises me by nodding obediently. It seems Julia has earned her trust and my Viceroy now believes her judgment. "Your condition might not be as dangerous as Aefener's considering his special genetic pre-requisite but don't overestimate how much you can manage. Your body is still developing.

"Li, do they...?" I pull Liana's robe to make sure how much Vermiel and Miruel know. I mean... Julia did mention that my genetics is special in front of them.

"We told them while you were passed out," my Viceroy confirms. "Sorry, Aefener, we didn't have a choice. And it's better if they know anyway, it's bothersome not being able to speak freely when they are around and they will be around a lot from now on."

I look at my Celestial guards again. This time Miruel doesn't avert her eyes. She even tries to smile at me. So they're fine with me being a telepath? Really? Did they come to terms with it so quickly?

Julia gives me another protein shake and I'm starting to feel drowsy again after I gulp everything. But we still have that meeting tomorrow, I need to help out. I need to...

"Silly, don't fight with it, sleep heals," Erik berates me dotingly and carefully lies me back on my side.

I listen to him and my eyes close. This time I dream about the blue sky again. Only now I know that it will become reality very soon. And my Celestial nature is overjoyed.

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