52.1. The Conference - Part 1

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Liana pushes me forward because I freeze. She knows what I'm going through right now but there's no other way. All eyes are on us and we can't appear weak or confused.

They wouldn't let him go anywhere without protection, Liana sends me a comforting thought and stands next to me where my partner is supposed to be.

"Your Majesty, this way," Ms Behera emerges from the crowd with a few bodyguards.

She notices right away that something's wrong but she doesn't say anything. At least not aloud. I can't read her mind without direct touch but I can feel her coldly calculating. Will she use Erik's absence against me? Does she realise how important he is to me?

"He's still in the building sulking somewhere," Emi whispers to me. "I gave him two of my guards and Deminas also contributed two of his. He's safe, don't worry."

Cameras are flashing, people are pushing and we have to keep moving. I keep telepathically calling Erik with all my might but I can't focus properly and he's probably too far away anyway. I'm angry at myself that I didn't practice long-distance telepathy more. I'm angry at myself that I didn't resist the temptation—that I let my Celestial nature overcome me.

Gotrid clumsily tries to provide comfort but I look at him so broken-heartedly that he backs away, finally realising that he went too far. His cheeky smile disappears, his confidence is gone. But it's too late to repent, damage has been done. Not being able to face me, he disappears into the crowd and, frankly, I'm glad for that. One less distraction to worry about.

We meet the other race rulers and I cling to their Draconian minds desperately. Liana keeps checking on me, making sure I'm managing among so many humans. In any other situation I would probably go blank from shock of possibly losing Erik but the emotions all around me are too acute. Moreover, my Emperor's nature kicks in. I have to do my best for the benefit of my people, personal issues aside.

People are staring, bowing, cameras won't stop flashing and the corridors I'm being led through seem endless. But not really, eventually I find myself being seated. The press was made to go to their designated spot so I can breathe more freely. Liana sits next to me and close to us Emi, her Beta Gin she was finally reunited with in real life, Deminas, Fefnir, Twyla and Werden.

I panic for a second when I realise our guards can't stand behind me. Despite being the best Celestial caster, I feel despairingly unprotected.

We got an exception, Liana pokes me gently. Look, Vermiel, Miruel and the others are standing by the walls. I wouldn't agree to come in the first place if we couldn't take our own security.

I slowly look around. The human delegates are staring at us, mostly antagonistically and full of fear. We're aliens to them. A threat. The Czech Prime Minister sits behind us and I recall the words of her wife Elizabeth. I try focusing on those delegates who are cautiously open to Draconians and discover that there're more than a handful of them. Not everyone here is our enemy.

The first hour passes without us uttering a single word. Formalities, reports, statement after statement. Then we're finally allowed in front of the lectern but this starting time slot is only about expressing our willingness to cooperate. To look amicable enough.

I expected I'd be more nervous about it. Liana is certainly worried I'll shake visibly when I have to face everyone and say a few words. But to be honest, I don't care. Catching so many human emotions isn't pleasant, my head starts hurting a bit, but I realise humans don't scare me. On the contrary, I'm the scariest person in the room. They're all wary of me.

My voice gets perfectly even and firm when I'm repeating the speech Liana prepared for me in advance. I'm the Celestial Emperor. Face to face with so many humans who are against Draconians, I know what I have to do to protect my people. My personal insecurities don't matter. Maybe it's for the best that Erik isn't with me right now. I don't have to worry that I'll be too Celestial in his eyes.

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