⋆ ˚ 𖦹ْꓸ ⋆୨ chapter seven ᵎᵎ

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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪  ╰┈➤𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒅 I was walking toward the front to leave, when my whole stomach dropped upon seeing a familiar young blond-haired boy

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╰┈➤𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒅 I was walking toward the front to leave, when my whole stomach dropped upon seeing a familiar young blond-haired boy.

"(Nickname)!!" Mikey yelled throwing his arms out and running toward me for a hug. He slammed into me, almost knocking me over, wrapping his arms around my waist to stop me from moving.

"Hey Mikey cut it out! People are watching, they'll get the wrong idea!" I felt my face starting to heat up from embarrassment. "What are you even doing?!"

"I really missed you." His face was buried in my chest, so his words came out a little muffled.

"Ah—missed you too... I guess." Mikey finally let me go. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me away. "Hey wait a minute! How did you even find out when I get out of school?!"

"Oh that? I just asked Takemichi." I inwardly cursed the young delinquent, who unknowingly caused me the greatest misfortune by exposing our school hours. "You promised to hang out with me anyways... so I'm not sure why you're resisting."

"But I didn't mean right after school ends! Can't this wait I'm tired!"

"Nope! Come hop on the back of my motorcycle, and hold on tight so you don't fall off."

I guess I don't have much of a choice now.

I carefully got onto the bike, behind Mikey. I wrapped my arms around his waist firmly, keeping in mind his warnings. The bike started with a loud 'rev', and Mikey sped off. It left me staring back at the school, watching the building fade away in the distance.

__ __

His hair flicked me in the face softly. I rested my head on his back, starting to get a little sleepy from the ride. That's when I realized what Mikey smelled like.

I had never really acknowledged it before but he had a certain scent to him, it wasn't unpleasant but it was hard to describe. A smell that's simple, but unique to him. Yet it seemed familiar, and reminded me so much of something I couldn't exactly pinpoint. The one thing I did know was it was very comforting.

Just who is Sano Manjiro?

Mikey's bike stopped in front of a diner. I got off of the back, fixing my hair that got blown from the ride. Before I could finish fixing it he grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside. I didn't have time to argue as he ran to sit down at a booth.

"Are you that hungry?" I said laughing at his rushed behavior.

"Hurry I want to order!" He motioned for me to come sit across from him. Not long after we sat down a waitress came to take our orders.

"Oh hello again, Manjiro. Will you be having the usual today?" He shook his head yes, and she turned to ask me. "Oh my, what a beautiful young lady you are. What would you like?" Her sudden compliment made me a little bashful.

I told the waitress to give me the same as him, and she wrote down our orders and headed back to the kitchen. When I looked back toward Mikey I saw his gaze fixed on the window. My attention focused on his features—something about his pretty dark eyes was very alluring.

"What's this place called by the way?" I never got to see the name since he dragged me inside so fast. I felt as though I had been here before, but I couldn't tell since it seemed like it had been remodeled. Mikey didn't take his eyes off of outside,

"Amore Mio. It's a diner I've gone to ever since I was a kid." After hearing him say this it seemed to trigger a memory of mine.

I opened my mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by the waitress placing our food in front of us. I started eating but as I looked at Mikey, he hadn't touched his food, in fact he was stunned.

"What's wrong?" I asked, getting a little concerned about his behavior.

"There's no flag." He pointed down at the meal, "It always comes with a flag." Mikey began to sulk, but I took the flag from my meal and placed it onto his.

"There I don't need mine anyways." Mikey quickly switched his attitude, now completely enamored by his new flag.

"Woah thanks so much (Nickname). The food will taste one hundred times better now!" He started digging in, and I did the same. My joy was short lived because Mikey had forgotten his wallet, so I had to pay in the end. "(Nickname) I'm starting to get sleepy..." He looked at me with heavy eyes, and started moving over to my side of the booth.

"Huh you can't fall asleep here-" Mikey didn't seem to hear me and was already napping on my shoulder. The waitress came to take our plates, and saw my distressed look.

"Oh don't worry now darling, he does that all the time we are used to it. I miss when he used to come here with his siblings, now he only comes by himself with some other friends. I wonder whatever happened to them."

I looked down at Mikey, who was still peacefully napping. The new detail about him spending time with his siblings here was actually really sweet.

I decided, since he was fairly small, I could at least hoist him on my back, and use all my strength to carry him outside.  This task was harder than I thought, but somehow I managed to get to a bench. I laid him across it, providing my lap as a pillow for him to rest.

"Still knocked out?" The only response I got was soft breathing. "I guess I'll have to wait here until you wake up." I pat the top of his head gently, careful to not rouse him.

"So you have siblings huh? I'd like to meet them someday. "


 • • •┊┊╰┈➤ EDITED ♡

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