⋆ ˚ 𖦹ْꓸ ⋆୨ chapter twenty ᵎᵎ

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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪  ╰┈➤ 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 really seen my neighbor, Kisaki Tetta, on two separate occasions

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╰┈➤ 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 really seen my neighbor, Kisaki Tetta, on two separate occasions. Once while I was leaving my apartment and he was going into his, and once when I was working and he came into the store. Neither of those occurrences led to any interaction.

He had actually never spoken to me, maybe glanced at me a few times. I always took him as a weird and sketchy guy. So, I really did keep my distance. I was busy yesterday with meeting Mikey and work, that I had totally missed Takemichi's calls and texts.

I didn't even bother trying to text back, if Takemichi was calling me this much it had to be important. The phone dialed for a few seconds before being immediately picked up.

__ __

"(Name)?!" I heard his voice speak frantically over the device.

"Yeah what's up? You've been calling me like crazy." I put my bag down on the counter, waiting for him to continue; searching the contents of it for my lost jewelry.

"Where are you???" By now Takemichi sounded audibly stressed, which was starting to rub off on me as well.

"I'm at home, I just got off work and talking with Mikey." Takemichi stopped talking for a short while. "Hello?" I said, testing if maybe the phone had hung up.

"Yes, sorry I'm still here. I didn't get to warn you properly yesterday because I passed out from exhaustion and shock..." He laughed nervously.

"Warn me about what?" My eyebrow raised at his words, eager to hear a response.

"That Kisaki Tetta, I need you to—" Takemichi's sentence was cut off by a loud banging at my door.

"Hold on Takemichi, I'll have to call you back in a second."

__ __

I hung up the phone, making my way slowly to the door.  I started to think it was somehow odd because of how late it was getting. When I opened the it, I had expected someone I knew—but it was an unfamiliar young man. Well almost unfamiliar, after careful observation I discerned this had to be Kisaki Tetta.

"Hello little lady." He said with a wry smile pulling his lips. In his hand was the jewelry I was searching for in my bag. "I saw you drop this earlier, I thought I would return it." His eyes only squinted in a twisted delight, and the ever-growing smirk gave an eerie vibe to him.

Something about this guy is very off, I felt rather uneasy being face to face with him like this. Carefully I reached out my hand to take it, watching him closely to make sure he didn't try anything.

"Um, thank you." My response was quick and meant to end our exchange, I even tried to close the door, but Kisaki stopped me from doing so. Much to my dismay, he still wanted to talk to me.

"Say, do you live alone? That's quite dangerous for a young woman like yourself." I didn't want to answer, so I just dodged the question by laughing nervously. I understand why Takemichi is apprehensive around this guy now, he can't be good news. Which reminded me that he was clearly warning me about him for a reason. So for my own safety, I needed to close and lock this door.

"It's getting late, thanks for returning this to me." I was finally able to close the door, but before I could fully shut it, Kisaki said one final thing that sent chills down my spine.

"Mikey is lucky to have such a nice girl like you."

All I could do was lock my door, feeling my heart sink into my chest. Cold sweat was forming at my temples, and the anxiety was setting in. A response only made when one thinks they're in danger.

I've never spoken to him, how would he know that about me?

It wasn't like Mikey or the gang knew him either. Coupled with the fact even Takemichi didn't like him, so I couldn't fathom how that would be possible. Now I was stressing out on if I should let Mikey even know about this, since we had just talked about it at the park. He very seriously told me not to get mixed up in anything gang related.

Then my phone lit up with a text notification from Takemichi, of which read,

'Don't get involved with Kisaki!'


•••┊┊╰┈➤ EDITED ♡

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