⋆ ˚ 𖦹ْꓸ ⋆୨ chapter eight ᵎᵎ

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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪  ╰┈➤𝑨 𝒇𝒆𝒘 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔 had passed since our trip to the diner

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╰┈➤𝑨 𝒇𝒆𝒘 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔 had passed since our trip to the diner. Mikey wasn't coming by recently because of some gang affairs he had with Draken, Takemichi, and the others. He never really mentioned his gang since our first meeting. I assumed it's cause he didn't want to involve me in the danger.

Again I was thinking over and over about the recent nostalgia I was feeling.

Could Mikey really be the person I came to look for?

It was surely a possibility, as he appears comfortable around me and acts like we've known each other for years. Not to mention being around him reminds me of my childhood.

I needed more evidence though, to prove that it was really him—beyond a shadow of a doubt. I would think that Mikey should recognize me if he was. It's hard to tell, if only I could remember anything else. A buzz in my pocket brought me back to reality,

__ __

"Ciao (Hello) honey, how are you doing over there?"

"Hey Mom, I'm doing good just a little busy sometimes."

"Okay that's good to hear, just wanted to check up. Everything going well at work and school? Everything safe? Make any new friends?" My mom had a habit of asking lots of questions at once, which used to overwhelm me as a kid. Nowadays I'm used to this anxious way of speaking she had.

"Oh yeah everything is fine don't worry, and I did..." I trailed off, not sure whether I should mention Mikey or not.

"Did what, (Name)?"

"Oh sorry it's nothing." I decided against it last second. "Hey by the way Mom... do you have any pictures of me when I was younger, or maybe any items?"

"Huh what brings on this all of a sudden? Haha, all I have is baby clothes. I would have to look in the attic for the pictures. But hm... I do remember you had an obsession with burying 'time-capsules', maybe you buried something by our old house. I wish I could come over there to show you old stuff but it's quite far... so that's all I know that may help."

"Oh okay, thanks Mom. Well I should hang up now, it's getting late and I have work tomorrow."

"Okay! Buonanotte (Goodnight)."

"Night love you!" I hung up, putting my phone back in my pocket. The time capsule was a long shot, but it seemed it was all I had left.

__ __

The next morning I set out early to find our old house. I remember the path very clearly. Actually when I moved back here I would ride my bike down the road just to check on it. Everything in the neighborhood mostly stayed the same, besides a few new renovations to some homes.

Using my foot to push the kickstand down I left my bike near a tree and studied the exterior the old building I once called home.

I stood in the front pondering that questions for a while; occasionally looking around. My eye caught onto a symbol carved into a tree off to the side of the estate. It was a circle that contained my initials, but upon closer inspection it also had some other initials.

The first was scratched out, probably for natural wear-and-tear from the years. The other initial I could just barely make out to be an 'S'. It looked as if it was added after I drew mine.

"If it's anywhere it has to be buried here."

I brought a shovel with me on my bike and carefullyI started digging—Just quiet enough to not wake any neighbors. Soon I hit something that sounded wooden, and I removed my shovel to reveal a small box. I pulled it out and dusted the dirt off. It had the same symbol, this time with just my initials. I quickly filled the hole back up and went back to studying the container.

"What are you doing here (Nickname)?" Mikey's voice startled me so much I flinched. Instinctively I shoved the box into my bag.

"Oh Mikey—sorry you scared me there for a second." I tried to take the attention away from what I was doing.

"What was that?" He pointed at my bag, with a dumbfounded expression.

"What? Oh just... something from my past, don't worry." I wasn't sure if I should let Mikey know that I was looking for a someone, the whole situation would take too much time to explain, and I'm already almost late for work. I expected him to be a little more suspicious, but instead he was just smiling at me. "By the way, what are you doing here? You came out of no where."

"I live here, look just a few blocks down." He pointed toward the direction of his house.

"Oh wow, that's so crazy. I should visit sometime, since you always come to my apartment."

"Why don't you come by right now!"

"I wish but, right now I have to get to work, I'm running late. Let me come by after, for sure." I started to get on my bike, and Mikey became noticeably dejected. Right before I started peddling away, I heard rustling on the back of the bike. "Mikey what are you doing now?"

"I'm coming with you, today is boring anyways." He sat himself down onto the ledge attached to my seat.

"I'm not sure if my boss will be happy with you loafing around the store though..."

"Who cares, if they have a problem I'll just threaten them." He mumbled nonchalantly.

"You really are a piece of work...just whatever you do don't get me fired please." I started to bike away from the area, with Mikey wrapping his arms around me. He also rested his head on my back, a gesture which made me smile as I continued peddling.


 • • •┊┊╰┈➤ EDITED ♡

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