⋆ ˚ 𖦹ْꓸ ⋆୨ chapter sixteen ᵎᵎ

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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪  ╰┈➤ "(𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆)!(Name)!" Hina called out to me through the hallway connecting our schools

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╰┈➤ "(𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆)!(Name)!" Hina called out to me through the hallway connecting our schools. She looked visibly distressed, causing my heart to sink.

"What's going on?" I asked her, checking to see if she was injured or something.

"It's Takemichi! They're taking him away! That guy, he looks dangerous. Please help me! Can you go with him? He won't talk to me for days if I tag along, but I'm so worried I'm not sure what else to do!" She was practically in tears, holding my hands in her own shaky ones. Seeing her in such a desperate state created guilt in my mind.

Crap, I really don't want too.

"Er, sure I'll follow him for a little bit..." I hesitantly looked away, deciding it would be better than sitting in class listening to a lecture. She wiped some of her tears sniffing back her now running nose. She gave me a quick hug as a thank you, before returning to class.

__ __

I was planning to stay hidden, and just follow them for a little while. This way I could report back to Hina that nothing had happened and she was worried for nothing. However I was stopped in my tracks as a boy with a wolf cut and dyed hair immediately noticed my presence.

"You, the one following us." He pointed directly at me, looking at me with a dead serious gaze. Takemichi looked with his jaw dropped in surprise.

"(N-Name)!? What are you doing?!"

"Um..." I nervously fiddled with my clothing. The other guy stared at me intensely, squinting his eyes.

"You know this pretty girl, Takemichi? Why don't we bring her too." He gave a very cold smile, enough to send small shivers down my spine. I was right to be apprehensive to Hina's request, but I couldn't refuse her after seeing how upset she was over this. She had every right to be, this guy was totally bad news. I began to wonder why Takemichi was even being taken by him, he was clearly not a Toman member—but he did wear some kind of gang uniform.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." However Takemichi's statement was ignored, and the other boy was already pulling me to wherever they were headed to.

__ __

Kazutora, who had introduced himself to me on our walk, stopped us in front of a sketchy building. Above was a big sign that read 'GAME CENTER' and all around was scattered works of graffiti. He had definitely lead Takemichi and I to a bad part of town. I even noticed some scary characters lingering around the area, not helping to stop my growing worries.

"The Angel with no head..." Takemichi muttered quietly to himself.

Kazutora entered the building, revealing a gang hideout filled with a bunch of guys wearing the same thing as him. All of them glared at us upon noticing our entrance.

As we walked further into the building, I could hear noise. Not just any noise, the sound of someone punching another person. When I peaked above Takemichi and Kazutora's shoulders I saw it was two people. One with long dark hair, beating up another with short blond hair.

They were both wearing the same uniforms as Mikey and his gang. Takemichi turned to me, very concerned, "(Name) I really appreciate you coming with me. Hina must have sent you cause she was worried. But I think it's best you wait outside for now—I promise I'll be okay." The young man smiled at me, pointing behind us and toward the door.

I chose not to argue, and instead trusted him. I was too scared to stay any longer either, so I quickly made my way outside to wait for him.

I couldn't really remain there any longer, and I didn't want to stay near the building anymore because of all the creepy guys hanging around. I was currently walking back home since I assumed school must've been over by now.

I passed by a local pastry shop, to which I glanced inside for a brief moment. My eyes met with none other than Mikey—who had two whole taiyakis shoved in his mouth. Draken was behind him, handing cash to the woman behind the counter.

Mikey's eyes widened, yelling my name with the food in his mouth as he ran outside to greet me. It was a real relief seeing him after what I had just went through. His cheerful attitude made all my troubled thoughts wash away. I didn't really want to tell him where I was though, since I had a inkling he wouldn't take it well.

Instead I only smiled, watching him chew quickly to give me a big hug.


•••┊┊╰┈➤ EDITED ♡

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