⋆ ˚ 𖦹ْꓸ ⋆୨ chapter nineteen ᵎᵎ

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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪  ╰┈➤ 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒌𝒆 𝒖𝒑 in the morning, I was surprised to find my phone had a notification from Mikey himself

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╰┈➤ 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒌𝒆 𝒖𝒑 in the morning, I was surprised to find my phone had a notification from Mikey himself. I almost couldn't believe my own eyes, giving them a small rub to make sure I wasn't imagining things. He just isn't really the type to use his phone a lot—In fact he'd sooner be at my door than giving me a simple call. Quickly, I unlocked the phone and began to read his text.

__ __


╰ » Hey (Nickname). Sorry about yesterday, can we meet up and talk today?

__ __

For a moment, I was unsure of how to reply. Mikey really did seem distressed about the whole situation, and he was not acting like himself. He must have been really worried when I acted strangely too.

It was just too overwhelming to look him in the eyes, let alone walk home with him. I mustered some courage to write a response text, I figured it would be better to communicate with him; After all it was quite endearing that he was reaching out to try and fix things—another surprisingly mature action.

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Okay, let's meet after I'm done w work. See u soon :) « ╮
ᴿᴱᴬᴰ ⁷:³⁸ ᴬᴹ

__ __

I didn't expect a response after this, nor did I receive one even as my shift started to end. I would constantly glance over the counter to see if he had decided to show up early, or at all really. Yet as time went on I started to lose a little hope.

5 minutes left, and he's no where to be seen?

I'd mentally accepted to fact maybe he changed his mind or something. I'd have to admit I would be a little disappointed, but I can't push him. He must be under a lot of stress, especially regarding the gang affairs and his brother. After I was done with work I took my time packing up my things, and headed out the door.

My soul almost jumped out of my body when I felt someone grab my leg.

"WHAT THE HELL—" I glanced down at the culprit, ready to kick his face in.

"Sorry (Nickname), did I startle you?" Mikey looked at me with very soft eyes. I immediately shifted my tune, knowing I couldn't joke around with him right now.

"Um, I'm alright no worries." I looked at him sitting on the ground in front of the store. "Hey... how long have you been here?"

"I got here after your shift started, so I just sat down and waited."

My heart shattered after hearing that. The whole time I thought he wasn't coming, but he was just hiding in front of the store where I couldn't see.

"Seriously?! I thought you weren't coming, how did you hide so well?" Mikey only chuckled lightly at my disbelief. "Sorry to make you wait this long then..."

He stood up, shaking his head as he reached for my hand to take in his own. He gave me a classic Mikey grin, making me feel as though the old Mikey is back now. He led me to a bench nearby, sitting down very close to me.

For a while Mikey didn't talk, just staring off in front of him. His hand still glued to mine, giving occasional squeezes. I didn't want to interrupt his moment, so I stayed still. I wanted to wait for him to speak first and tell me about everything on his mind.

"About yesterday, I'm sorry for the way I acted—I scared you didn't I?" He paused, looking at me with guilty eyes. Mikey didn't give me enough time to respond before he continued, "I just don't want you getting involved in the gang stuff. It's too dangerous." He turned away from me again. I felt his body get very tense.

"It's alright Mikey. The truth is I was frightened, but more so surprised to see a new side of you. I understood you were probably under a lot of stress to snap like that." I looked down, rubbing the knuckles on his hand. Mikey gave me a very light smile.

"You're amazing." He said very faintly. Maybe he was still too shy to face me, so he continued to look forward, but compliment made me very happy nonetheless. I couldn't think of anything else but to lay my head on his shoulder. Surprisingly, he laid his head on top of mine as well.

"One more thing (Nickname)..."


"Promise me you won't get involved anymore, I can't afford to have you get hurt because of me." I felt his whole body tense again, so I knew this was a very serious matter.

"Okay, I'll try my best." I felt his cheeks turn up into a small grin, causing me to smile as well. For a long while, neither of us said anything. It wasn't until we noticed the sun starting to set, that Mikey spoke once more. With sincerity and softness,

"Let's walk home together again."


•••┊┊╰┈➤ EDITED ♡

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