⋆ ˚ 𖦹ْꓸ ⋆୨ chapter fourteen ᵎᵎ

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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪  ╰┈➤ 𝑰𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒘 August 3rd, my last day at my parents house

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╰┈➤ 𝑰𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒘 August 3rd, my last day at my parents house. I was winding down for the night, but I stopped because a sudden text lit up my phone screen.

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╰ » Hina: (Name) are you still at your parents house?
╰ » Hina: I'm sorry I usually wouldn't bother you like this
╰ » Hina: but it's rlly important

Yes why?? « ╮

╰ » Hina: Come back as soon as you can
╰ » Hina: Mikey's gonna need u here

What?? What's going on?? « ╮

╰ » Hina: Draken has been stabbed

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"Are you sure you have to leave now (Name)?" My Mom asked me, holding her hands to her chest in a worried gesture. She watched as I shoved my clothes into my bag.

"Scusa mamma (I'm sorry Mom), my friend has been stabbed I have to make sure everything is okay." She simply nodded, patting me on the back in reassurance before she moved to help me pack up. She drove me to the train station and waved goodbye as I boarded to get back to my friends—clearly worried herself.

Please be okay, Draken.

After I got off the train I immediately rushed to the hospital, my luggage still on my back. I burst through the doors to find everyone gathered outside an operation room. Their worried and tired faces looking up at me in relief.

"Hey guys..." I started, not sure what I should say.

"(Name) You're just in time, we got him safely to the hospital. I'm sure he will make it through." Hina was the first to come up and reassure me, holding my hands gingerly in her own. I smiled at her,

"Yeah, someone as tough as him can't kick the bucket here." I glanced over at Mikey. He has a slight smile on his face, but I could tell he was hurting. I sat next to him, wordlessly taking hold of his palm, interlocking my fingers with his so he could feel my warmth. He grinned again, resting his heavy body against mine; I could almost feel how tired and exhausted he was. The light of the operation room switched off, and a doctor came out, only adding to the already built up tension.

"It was a success." The amount of relief everyone felt was euphoric. Takemichi cheered, louder than anyone else in the room, and I felt Mikey's tense figure ease itself. I got up to celebrate with everyone else—not noticing Mikey slip between the commotion.

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The others left slowly after hearing the good news. I went outside with Takemichi who was looking for Mikey. I noticed him standing with his back to the wall, slowly falling down to his knees. My eyes widened as I saw faint water droplets fall from his eyes, staining the cold ground below him.

"Takemichi... you've done a lot tonight, go home and rest. I can handle this." I put my hand on his shoulder and he nodded, glancing at Mikey and then myself.

"Thank you for coming (Name). It means a lot to everyone." He walked off and I focused my attention back to the other blond.

"Hey crybaby." I said standing above him, when he looked up at me I suddenly felt guilty. Sliding my body down the wall, I positioned myself next to him. He immediately hugged me, burying his face into my chest to hide his tears. I instinctively moved my hand to rub his back while I let him cry out his emotions.

"You always do that." He finally said after a while.

"Do what?"

"Rub my back, you've always done it even when we were kids." His face was still hidden on my chest.

"Hmmm, you're right I remember now. One time Shin beat you up so bad, you came crying to me just like this. The only thing I could really do was rub your back to try and console you, hahaha." He chuckled along with me, reminiscing on the sweet memories we shared. Then for a while neither of us could find the right words to say.

"I should thank you..." He finally began, making sure to avoid my eyes, "I may not be the best boyfriend, but thank you for staying by my side nonetheless." I beamed, it was rare for him to be really sincere. He's always acting so childishly that I had forgotten he did have a more mature side. I resumed tracing circles on his back before I responded,

"I'll always be right by your side, Mikey."


•••┊┊╰┈➤ EDITED ♡

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