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"OMG! I AM HAVING THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE!" Lihle shouts top of her voice and I laugh.

She is a light drinker. Two shots and a cocktail and she is ready to dance on the tables. While she catwalks to the dance floor, I take out her phone from her purse and I smile when I find that it has no password. I go to her WhatsApp and send Shibase her location. She might get mad at me but I wanna get wasted right now and I don't wanna babysit no kid. She is in her early twenties but still a kid to me. I know our purses are safe here, so I go join her on the dance floor and we drop it like it's hot.

"I HAVE NEVER HAD SO MUCH FUN IN MY LIFE!" She shouts over the loud music and I chuckle.


"MY LIPS ARE SEALED!" few moments later we are dry humping some guys with no care in the world. I turn around and look at the guy who has his hands on my waist. He smirks and I smile at him. He is not my type. Yes, he is tall and dark but he does not have that thing. However, when you're going through what I am going through, you don't get too choosy about who you wanna take home. "Hey handsome." I flirt and he chuckles.

"You have some mad dance moves." he complements. "I am Somandla by the way." I don't mean to but I crack up. Who the fuck names their child Somandla? Next thing you know, a child will be named God or Almighty. These parents with their lazy brains.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to laugh."

He chuckles. "No biggie. I get that a lot. My name is too innocent for me but you can call me Somi or Mandla." I nod. "How about I get you a drink?" I turn to look at Lihle and I Am glad to find her dancing with a girl. We wouldn't want a disaster of Shibase walking in here and finding her busy with another guy.

"You can get me a bottle of Boulevard Nectar Rose." It's not expensive but let's see if he is not too stingy. He scratches his head.

"Where are you seated? I will go order it and meet you there." I chuckle. I know he is not coming back. Was he hoping that a six pack of Savanna is enough to woo me?

"Table 3 at the VIP section." His eyes pop out a bit but he recovers.

"See you then." He walks away and I laugh. Go Somandla.

"I am going to the restroom." I whisper at Lihle and she smiles at me before dismissing me with her hand. Okay little bird.

I walk to the VIP restrooms. One of the things I like about them, they are never crowded. Sometimes you just find one person or find it empty. There is no line. I do my business and then wash my hands. I check if my make-up is still okay and that's when the door opens and someone walks in in. I look behind me and I see the guy who gave me an intense gaze.

"I was just leaving." I blurt out and his eyebrow arches. Why did I just say that? I have every right to be in this restroom as he. But how can I not be a bit intimidated? The guy has that humble handsomeness. His presence is as commanding as his stare. He carries so much power and authority. I would be running out of here if he wasn't standing on the door. "Can I pass now?" I finally ask and he smirks. He actually smirks at me. I don't know how I feel about that. He walks towards me and my breath hitches. What is going on? Is he going to strangle me? But I haven't done anything that requires me to be strangled, at least not to him. He looks more handsome up close. His suit hugs him in all the right places. His shirt is so white, it's like he just put it on a few minutes ago. He is clean, that's what I have concluded. I shudder and that seems to startle him a bit.

He shoves a paper in my front pocket and then enters one of the stalls without uttering a single word. His strong expensive cologne is still lingering around. I wanna stay around and sniff on it for a few moments but I don't wanna be told twice, I rush out of the restroom and exhale loudly after closing the door behind me. My whole body is heating up. He was in front of me for less than 10 seconds but the close proximity made my body react so quickly. Fuck me.

I hurry back to my table and find Lihle seated with a man. They look all cozy and cute. I immediately know that it's Shibase. "Is it safe for me to sit here?" I ask teasingly, looking at Lihle and she laughs.

"I am not even mad at you. Babe, this is Lindsay, sis Futhy's friend and Lindsay, this is my man, Shibase." She states.

"He is definitely no boyfriend." They both laugh. The man with the intense gaze passes out table and I can't take my eyes off him. He reminds me of Ndosi omkhulu. He walks around with so much power, authority and confidence, like a king. He whispers something to one of the men he was seated with before he looks at me for a nanosecond and then walks out of the club. Why is he leaving? Ow, the card. I quickly take it out of my pocket.

'Winston Hotel, Room 106.'

That's all the card says. I am a bit skeptical about this. This is clearly a booty call and should I go there, I know I am in it for the hard fucking. That guy seems like the freaky type who wants to tie you up and fuck you from dusk till dawn. However, I will not ignore the fact that I am so turned on right now. Lord cleanse my soul but I am going after him.

"I have to love and leave you my lovies." I state and Lihle frowns.

"Why? The night is still young."

"Well honey, who said anything about going to sleep?" she laughs before standing up to hug me.

"We definitely have to catch up soon." she says with a smile. She is so cute. "You still owe me the scoop."

I laugh. "I will call you babes." I kiss her cheek and wave at Shibase. "Bye lover man." he chuckles.

I walk out and before I reach the door, a hand stops me. I frown and look up to see the God guy. "I was about to come to you table." He says with a smile.

"Well, God, usindwe zinyawo. Maybe next time." I wink at him and head out.

I jump inside my car and I arrive at Melrose in no time. If I got speeding tickets, the mystery guy is paying for them. I park my car and check if I am still looking good. I re apply my lipstick and cologne before stepping out of the car and heading inside. I greet the doorman and ask him to show me the first floor. He does so with a smile and I thank him before tipping him with hundred rands. I get into the elevator which leads me to the first floor. I step out and look around the corridor before making my way to room 106. I arrive at the door and don't waste any more time before knocking. I knock once and open the door. Luckily it's not locked. I enter the room and my God, it is beautiful. I close the door behind me and look around. It only takes a minute for me to locate the mystery guy. He is seated on the couch with a glass of brown liquor in his hand. He has deserted his blazer and all the buttons of his shirt are open, allowing me a glimpse of his naked chest.

"Glad you could join me." he finally speaks up and the sound of his voice is enough to send a high volt of electricity running all over my body.

"Before we go far, I am not a prostitute." I state and he chuckles. His voice and laugh is going to be my undoing. I am already weak and he hasn't even laid a single finger on me. Futhy would be so disappointed in me right now.

"I never said you were one and I don't fuck prostitutes."

I swallow hard. "Are you going to fuck me?" he smirks.

He places the glass on the table nearby before making his way to me. His hand grasp me and he brings himself closer to me before crashing his lips on mine.

This man though. How do you react to such a strong, powerful kiss? How do you break it? Because as much as I am caught up in the moment, I have to know the name of the man who is about to fuck me.

"Wait." I mumble, pushing him with the little strength I have left. He frowns at me. "What's your name?"

He chuckles. "Is my name that important?"

"Yes. I can't keep calling you mystery guy." He actually laughs this time around.

"Lethinhlahla Khambule." After that, he pins me on the cold wall and starts sucking on my neck while his hand unbuttons my short.

"Don't you wanna know who I am?" I squirm.

"I know everything I need to know about you, Lindani." How?

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