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To say my family embarrassed me at Zimbali would be an understatement. First it was my mother. The woman actually demanded that the waiter translate every dish’s name on the menu in Zulu but I know she could understand what was written because she is a literate woman. And there is my sister who took charge of my phone for the whole night. She only gave it to me when there was a message coming in. biggest surprise of all was that as I was about to pay the bill, the waiter said it was taken care of. I knew that had Lethi written all over it and I hated the fact that the guy was practically stalking me now.

I was planning on asking for a meet up in order to tell him to back off but imagine my surprise when I find him outside my gate as I am driving out to work. Sighing in frustration, I climb off my new baby and walk to where he is standing near his SUV. There are two cars parked behind his car. Something I never noticed. This guy travels with an army of bodyguards. But I guess that’s what happens when you have more than a few millions in your name.

“Let’s talk.” He starts off and I frown.
“Oww, you still don’t have manners. A simple ‘good morning’, ‘how are you’, would’ve sufficed. But I guess disloyal men have no respect.”
“Lindani please.” I scoff and nod. “Not here.”

“Aibo. Where do you wanna talk? Bear in mind I am heading to work now and if I don’t leave within the next 5 minutes, I will be late and I hate being late at work.”
“I have that covered. Get inside the car.” My eyebrows shoot up. Is he ordering me around? “Please.”
“What do you mean you have my work covered?”

“Just park your car inside the yard. You will find me waiting in the car.” One of his guards is quick to open the backseat door for him and he slides inside. Thatha Barack Obama. But how dare he comes here and try to order me around? Where does he get that right? I wanna defy him and speed out of here but I know my baby might end up getting damaged and I don’t want that to happen, not now not ever.

Huffing, I get inside my car and drive it inside the yard. I park it in the garage and lock it in. I make sure to check if the house is locked, lock the gate and then walk to his car. The same guard who opened his door for him, opens one for me on the other side. Thanking him, I slide inside and he closes the door behind me. Moments later the car starts moving.

“So spill.” I state, looking at him and he sighs.
“Not here.” hebana! If not here then where? This man is frustrating.

I take out my phone and text Smiso who is the morning security at DCC. I ask him about my replacement and he pleads that I don’t come back because the woman is hot with a huge ass and the view he is getting is spectacular. Men aren’t loyal. I have been friends with him since he got hired at DCC two years ago and now after seeing a piece of ass for a few minutes, he has changed.

“Who is this replacement you placed at DCC?” I ask and a small smile breaks out on his mouth.
“My cousin.”
“Is she hot with a huge ass?” he turns to look at me.
“Why are you asking that?”
“Because people are going crazy about it.”
“Which people?” he asks in a harsh tone and I roll my eyes.

“I won’t answer that until you explain to me what the fuck is going on. In fact you shouldn’t explain. You’re happily married with kids. What do you want from me?” I ask already getting worked up. I thought I was through with him but he really hurt my feelings and I can’t just ignore that and laugh with him as if everything is okay.

“Can we please get to our destination first before I tell you everything?” I click my tongue and look outside the window. Silence reigns in the car as it continues driving with no intention of stopping. I get confused when I see the driver taking a turn that leads to SAA Premier Lounge which is a private airport.

“Yey, what is going on here? What does our talking have anything to do with an airport?”

“I don’t want you running away from me after I have told you everything. Durban is a familiar territory so you can literally call an Uber from anywhere and just go hide in one of your friends’ impenetrable fortresses. But you won’t be able to flee in a foreign place.”
“Stop being so fuckin mysterious and tell me where we are going.” He just takes out his phone and gets busy with it. Fucking moron.

When we get to the airport, we board a private jet and it takes off after a few minutes. A flight attendant comes to where we are seated with a wide smile on her face. She is wearing blue tight pants, a white shirt, a blue tie and some ugly hat but people’s fashion senses differ. If I were a flight attendant, I would surely get Nqobile Msane from KwesakwaMthethwa to create a mind-blowing hat.

“Good morning and welcome on board. I am Darlene Mathonsi and I will be your flight attendant. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to shout. For now, do you need anything to eat or drink? We have a long journey ahead, so I would suggest we start it with full stomachs.” At least she knows where we are going, unlike the stupid Lindsay who knows nothing about where we are headed. What if he is going to slaughter me when we get to our destination and just silently dispose my body?

“A black coffee with a toasted chicken and mayo sandwich will do for me, Darlene.” Lethi orders and the woman gives him a wide seductive smile before turning to me.
“Anything for you, sir?”
“It’s actually Miss Lindsay to you honey but I guess you wouldn’t be able to read between the lines seeing that ugly hat of yours.” I bite back and Lethi chuckles before he holds my hand.

“Chill, babe. Darlene, you can make an egg sandwich for him and an Americano.” I am shocked by him calling me babe out of the blue. What is he hoping to achieve by this sudden display of affection? But I don’t wanna show that this ‘babe’ word affected me.
“Coming right up sir and miss.” Darlene quickly walks away and I take my hand out of Lethi’s grasp.

“Your jealousy makes me happy.” He muses and I roll my eyes. This man is impossible.
“Who is your babe, Lethi? Aren’t you mistaken? Do I look like your wife? Last time I had no boobs or a pretty face. Now why are mistaking me for your babe?”
“Can we please not do this now? Time for such talk is coming.”

“You are fuckin impossible.” I get up from my sit which is next to him and go sit on one of the sits across him. He is so annoying and he is getting on my nerves. If I had it my way, I would grab a parachute and fly out of this plane because I hate him. He exhales loudly and looks at me.
“Don’t be like that.”
“Leave me alone.”

I take out my airpods, put them on and play a movie on my tab which I downloaded on Netflix. It’s called Purple Hearts. I have seen the trailer and heard the hype to people who have watched it. I hope it won’t disappoint. 10% into the movie, some clears their throat next to me. I pause the movie and turn to see the ugly hat lady standing with a cart next to me.

“Here you go. Please enjoy and if you need anything, don’t forget to shout. And I am also sorry about confusing your sexuality.” She gives me a smile but even a blind person can see that it’s fake. She gives me the food and I thank her. She walks away and I start munching while continuing with my movie.

When I am done with it, the movie, I have a positive review and I can’t wait to post a video review on TikTok when I get back home. I scroll on my Netflix and I am shocked when I stumble upon the third season of Never Have I Ever. I didn’t even know they were filming one. I download them and then watch them. Halfway through the season, I doze off.

Waking up, I am shocked to feel arms wrapped around me. Last time I checked, I was seating alone. I turn my head up to discover that I am actually laying on top of Lethi. He reclined his seat and it looks like a single bed. He is sleeping peacefully. I take my time just to drink in his manly beauty. He has bushy eyebrows which I would die for but would have to tweeze every now and then because I can see that they grow fast. His nose is a little pointy but it looks so normal and unbelievably beautiful. It’s like he has done a nose job or something. His plumy kissable lips are so inviting. I can’t even stop myself. I move closer and perk them. I then allow my hand to trace his nicely trimmed beard. This man is dreamy though and look at me stupidly falling for him even though I know he is off limits. Lindani Mzobe, you are the worst.

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